May Hatch-a-Long!

Ha. When I read this I was like "wait! Mine haven't hatched yet!"

Today is day 19 so I'm hoping for peepers in the next day or two!

I will go into lock down tomorrow with some real pretty blue eggs, and a couple of F1 OE's. The air sacs are soo bad on three of them. Not sure those will make it..they are almost to the top of the egg. :/
Good luck ace.
This hatch is officially done.  5/5 SL Polish and 7/8 Tolbunt.  Plus the Polish/Marans egg that I found on the coop floor.  It's doing fine too. 

As soon as these fluffy butts dry off I can take pictures, then get ready for my next hatch.  A dozen Tolbunt eggs are coming my way.  :D

We'll done. Congratulations.
Finished my Rouen eggs due 5-24. Ended with 5 new fluffs and 3 late death/non pipping eggs. Still puts overall Rouens at  12/16 so far this year. Still 8 in bator for next month. Broody BO decied to sit on a nest duck laid and most likely infertile. Will candle at 1 week and replace with chicken eggs if they are not fertile. She is covering 12 duck eggs w/o an issue. So I can fill her up with chicks.

Next due are my chicken eggs on the 30th. These are semi important to me (1 breed I won't have a rooster for and 1 other will be 4 mo. before I will have a chance to breed them again, pure that is.

I as perplexed on how to keep them sorted at hatch but I went with WLH & MP (Meat project) and the other hatcher is RIR and BSL. Both MP and BSL can have chicks that are barred/BSL colored. Although  WLH and MP can both be yellow fluffed the size should be apparent. s well as black leakage in MP from sire.

Also Broody BSL should be due before the 1st. Forgot what day I set them as I meant to swap out but there is good development so I am leaving the 6-8 BYM with her. Hate wasting a chick.

Congratulations on your duck hatch. I have 15 hatched in my incubator so far this year. A duck is sitting on about a dozen more that I think are due in about two weeks. I will have to watch for them. Anyways congratulations.
One guinea hatched and sleeping.

My first guess is lavender or coral blue.

Nice guinea. Are they always this red?
final count! of 32 to lockdown, 29 hatched and 3 died in shell near day 20-21. they were partially absorbed, 2 were malpositioned and couldnt get out but 1 did internally pip and never made it out... overall I am very happy with how many I got! there are still a couple drying off in the smaller brooder, but here are some photos of almost everyone :D Day 16 on the next batch. Only 6 eggs in that one! after that I am getting some more eggs from a lady... :duc soon!!! these are mostly mixed breeds! some BCMxWyandotte from my flock, they just look like BCM's mostly. the rest are primarily Lav Marans (dad) mixes, on BCMs and a few other breeds. I wish I knew what the blue ones were. and the red ones! any ideas? :p (blue with red head is a lav marans, but IDK what the pure blues are. feathered legs)
Nice hatch. And pretty chicks. Congratulations.
I've got 3 chicks hatched so far. 2 are doing great but I had to help the 3rd one out as the membrane was too dry. Its alive and trying to move around so hopefully it will make it. Only 40 more eggs left to go lol. Should be a busy few days. This is our second attempt to hatch and now that they're starting to pip and hatch I'm nervous but excited!
Anyone pipping yet?

No one yet :/ got a few rocking still but I think I've got lazy ducklings. It's stressing me out haha. I know how the man feels now waiting for the baby to be born. Pacing the floor and checking every 5 minutes or so :/ hurry up baby ducks. I want to know you're alive and kicking! :)

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