Mean rooster...

With my older chickens I have two black Australorp roosters, 3 black Australorp hens, and three barred rock hens and the BA hens, for the most part, will just sit there and take it but the BR's don't want any part of mating. They sqauk and run when a roo grabs them and 9/10 times they get away.

Also, an update on my EE rooster, he has settled down in his cage within a cage lol. Everybody seems happy now. And the rooster that's in with the girls now seems to be rather calm and I rarely see him mate but if he does it's nothing violent and since the one hen got "hurt" by the EE which started all of this and I put her back in the pen I haven't seen the other rooster mate with her once. But that doesn't mean he hasn't because I'm not home most of the day due to school but if he is mating with her then he's being a lot nicer than the EE because she's acting better by the day.

I sure am glad I got them all straightened out for their own benefit.

And mid-air mating...that's gotta be a sight to see. I enjoy your posts, chooks4life. And if you don't mine me asking, what country do you live in? Here, USA, we call them chicks instead of chooks. Or is there a different reason you call them chooks?
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Good to hear they're doing better. :)

I live in Australia. "Chooks" here is just the common term for "chickens" in general, can refer to any age or gender but generally refers to adult females, though I use it indiscriminately. People generally say "chook" when referring to roast chickens, though often say "chicken" when referring to raw processed chicken meat, but pay no mind, it all means the same, lol.

As for the midair mating, it's not common at all, definitely on the rare side, but it sure is a sight to see, lol! It was mostly done by this one handsome rooster I had (who carried the most amount of defective genes I have ever seen in one animal, more's the pity), and his girlfriend, who was the hen I've written about in some other threads, who fought roosters and mated with them like they were hens. Some chooks are real characters, hard to forget them.

Glad you enjoy my posts, I'm always pretty conscious of those I merely annoy with my opinions. :D

Best wishes.
@chooks4life, oh, I understand now.

And @whittychick, It was actually a hen that was...let's say, "sick" from the roosters doings but she's in fact doing great and just learnt to fly up to roost last week. She wasn't in the pen when I changed it around and didn't get to learn to get up there with the rest of them and in the evenings would walk around looking up at everyone else hopelessly and then lay on the ground for the night by herself. So one evening I grabbed her and sat her up there and she walked around for a minute then jumped down and then the next day started roosting with her fellow bunk mates.

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