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Went down to check on the chicks this morning (due to hearing unusually loud peeping) and found that 2 of my black sex-links had somehow managed to get stuck between the kiddie pool and the chickenwire. It's likely that they spent the evening on the beach towel I have under the kiddie pool huddle together. After inspecting things, I determined that the couldn't get around the side of the pool to the back, and that I could just grab them when they got stuck at the stopping point and put them back in with the rest. Nope. Got one, but the other managed to squeeze through and get to the back. So THEN I had to try to get that one out from behind the kiddie pool. And while I was doing that (had to pull it out a little) 3 more jumped and and got stuck with it!!!
Silly chicks! Looks like I need to work on scrounging materials together to make a more proper box today.

They're all still REALLY terrified of me though. They're about 11 days old (the 8 chicklets) and about 1mo old (the 2 wyandottes). I'm sure that me having to catch all of them this morning to rescue the dumb ones didn't help.

Gonna plant my lettuces today! I thinned my radishes last night while I was covering everything up with straw. They're looking great! I think I might plant my tomatos today too. I want them to actually grow a little before they start flowering.
Good Morning!

It was brisk when I let the chickens out this morning! :: shivers ::

Last night as I was doing my chores I witnessed one of the Easter Roo's mounting my Silkie and going to town.
Do they really start doing that this early?? He's only 7 weeks old! No crowing yet. Just...his little teenage hormones raging.
Well dang it! I selected a bunch of multi posts and when I hit reply only 2 showed up! And those 2 made no sense without the others so I had to cancel the whole thing depriving y'all of my witty repartee this morning.

Only dropped to 40 here last night, didn't look like we got any frost here in Barton City, be interesting to hear who did get any? Just had a nice cup of lemon blossom tea because you know, even in my sexy flannel-lined pjs a winter hat and a coat, it was darned chilly out there opening up the coops. I'm waiting till it gets back into the 50s before I uncover all the tomatoes and my beans (which had just started sprouting).

Finally, it's hit 50. Taking me forever to finish this post, too

Maybe I'll just end now.
Good Morning

One of the bantam roos is starting to crow.... talk about funny!! Sounds like someone's choking him, lol!

The little sumatra chicks are smart little birds. My set up for them isn't entirely ideal yet. So for now, they're in half the brooder box. During the day I put them in the yard with the silkies and bantams. At night I would hop the fence and carry the sumatra chicks to the brooder box. The night before last, I just set them over the fence on the ground and they followed me to the shed and brooder. Last night, I put them over the fence and they headed for the shed/brooder all on their own. Smart little buggers, I'm really enjoying them.

I generally will not "name" the live stock, unless I need to keep track of them like the rabbits, but the birds that are more pets for me than working birds.. I've thought about naming.. thought about it......

DH has been on the new job for a short time but, got an interview with another company, for more money, and more up his alley. The current job is more mfg based and I think he's outgrown that kind of work. He thinks the interview went well and may have a good chance at it. We both would feel bad for him to leave the current job after not being there very long... but we have to do what's best for us. I think the hardest thing for him was that the current job was supposed to be a day job, but they moved it to second shift when he hired in. So he's hoping this other company will offer him a job. On days, they'll pay for his new cell phone... some travel (which means we'll be able to travel too), car provided and little to no employee turn around! That's how we managed to go anywhere for vacation because we got points for free flights and hotels once a year! So I'm looking forward to that! Plus, the extra money will be helpful.
I think we'll be doing a pole barn if he gets this job!

HillBilly - Happy Belated Birthday!!!!

KWAK - no sorry, did you check craigs list? They always have something. Don't search specifically for chicken coop etc, look for sheds and things like that you could convert. Some people even repurpose old campers etc. If you're in need of chickens, come to chicken stock June 23rd... there will be lots of chickens available! Would also be nice if you hung out a little more with us!

Opa................ ROTFLMAO!! I guess old dogs can learn new tricks!

Speaking of old dogs.... one of our Corsos is having problems, her back legs are giving out on her. We are so lucky she's lived as long as she has. She had epilepsy for several years..almost died from it. The normal range for the breed is 8-10 yrs... and she is close to 12 yrs old!!
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Well? Whats the outcome? Did you get eaten by a bear?

Saw a couple too far off to shoot early on, then a couple cats and a doe with a fawn before wimping out of the cold around midnight. I'm thinking they wimped out of the cold, too, since nothing seems to have been tampered with overnight.


I just heard the scariest GHOST sound coming through my bathroom window...big deep OOOOOOHHHHHHH OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO,,,followed by the sound of someone having their airway closed off mid scream...

looked out there-

yep, my notmeaty roo...giving it all he's got.

(no worries about my neighbors thinking I have a rooster, they are going to think we have been invaded by ghosts and zombies..)

I'll be down that way tomorrow. Are we having Chimichangas?
Chickenstock is worth missing class for. Lots of great people great food good times. Hope you will join us.
If I don't have class, I just might. But I really can't miss class, or I'll fail the whole course (we only meet 3 weekends for every class). As much as I'm liking chickens and am intrigued by Chickenstock (and seeing your uggos in person), I can't fail the course in the name of poultry. :)
Yeah those raccoons are not nice. The one area we didn't get sealed was maybe 4 inches high where the roof under front was. Well one coon managed to get in there and killed our big duck and one smaller black pullets, and then couldn't get out. Son shot it, and husband finally sealed in the small opening with poultry fencing and boards still allowing for ventalation. I cried all day on Tuesday, as they are my poultry babies. The duck that managed not to get killed was in shock and unhappy, so luckily our ,neighbor still had some extra ducks. Now she is happy again as she has a younger one following her around and talking her ear off. My daughter and her family were out of town, and we were watching her 6 chickens for her. I promised her 4 of mine when she got back, so parted with the ones that would work well with grandchildren. I know they are livestock, but have really grown attached, as these are my first one raised from chicks. Some even like to be held and petted for a good length of time, never knew how soft the feathers really were before this year.
Seems the coons are getting everything they can lately. I had a friend that lost 7 chicks last night from the darn things. Definitely coon hunting season.

DD's lip looked a lot better this morning. Of course, being me, I tend to stick to a streak when I have one and managed to burn a finger on the iron today while ironing my son's graduation gown for Baccalaureate tonight. The iron was not in the off position when plugged in (totally didn't even notice) and in my ever-so-unobservant moment, I touched the darn thing (though I can't really recall why I touched the pad in the first place).
Of course, really, if my son had hung up his clothes/gown after his school's Swingout, instead of leaving them all balled up in his duffle bag....
Kids, right?
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If I don't have class, I just might. But I really can't miss class, or I'll fail the whole course (we only meet 3 weekends for every class). As much as I'm liking chickens and am intrigued by Chickenstock (and seeing your uggos in person), I can't fail the course in the name of poultry. :)
I agree, class should take priority. What are you taking?

I took several taxonomy classes during the spring and summer terms. They were all field courses so we were busy from 7:00 am to midnight each session. I kind of miss those classes.
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