Mille Cochin Info

There'll be room in the box, Mike, I'll throw in one of those young Calico roos I showed you if you'd like

I figured you would

I had already thought about it, anyway, as I have so many of these pretty calico boys right now. I really like the idea of them going to you, so I can see pics of them as they grow up!
Our high today was 98! Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler, Wed is 71 and rain. So if they don't go out tomorrow looks like Wednesday for sure. Your temps still look great for shipping
I figured you would

I had already thought about it, anyway, as I have so many of these pretty calico boys right now. I really like the idea of them going to you, so I can see pics of them as they grow up!
Our high today was 98! Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler, Wed is 71 and rain. So if they don't go out tomorrow looks like Wednesday for sure. Your temps still look great for shipping
No need to rush. It was 55- 60 here today. It felt so cool compared to yesterday being 85. I couldn't believe it. I should have cleaned my coops today instead of yesterday.
Alright, I finally got pictures! It rained most of last week, and when it didn't I was busy.

Pen #1:

Pullet from Cadeau. She's been broody for almost 3 weeks and she's lost most of her tail during that time.

First pullet posted and the funky buff columbian like pullet.

She has very nice type and is a real lap chicken.

Partridge based pullet hatched from Luckypicken's eggs. She's the only chicken from over 100+ eggs I've bought from Rosalyn that I've kept. She isn't as typey as I'd like, but I was hoping she'd fill in with age. She has changed quite a bit in the last 4 weeks.

And here she is again.

Pen #2:

This cockerel I kept to see how he'd fill out. He's always maintained a round shape and he's getting darker with age. He was nearly white, as you can see in his younger picture to the right. He is from Byron & Bridgette... My "Buff Columbian" pair.

The Buff Columbian pullet is a full sister to the above cockerel and the dark pullet was hatched from Amy's eggs.

And the two girls again. The buff girl does have a couple chevrons, as pictured in the 2nd picture. I am hoping her cushion fills in like her brothers and her parents!

Pen #3:

Ah yes... a mixed pen. From left to right... (top) Pullet from Cadeau, cockerel who is full brother to the cockerel and pullet in pen #2, black cockerel hatched from Sutillman's eggs, dark pullet hatched form Amy's eggs and a buff pullet who is a full sister to the calico cockerel in this pen and the two in pen #2.

Buff Columbian pullet - Byron and Bridgette's daughter. She has a couple chevrons like her older sister in pen #2.

And the youngest pullet from Cadeau. This is the one that mothered everyone.

Sadly the calico cockerel was not being photogenic today. Maybe next time...

I sold Hot Pants, the cockerel from Cadeau, and Milroy, my dark rooster from Erin. I sold the frizzle MFC and smooth girl I hatched from Luckypicken's eggs. I still have my older girls - Millie and Mildred. I am going to put Byron and Bridgette in with them and see what Byron, Millie and Mildred give me. I am thinking this may be the cross I need to make a huge breakthrough in type and color. Byron is already throwing color with Bridgette, and Bridgette is actually a black tailed buff.
Wow! What a great line up! You have color, pattern and type in there. Love looking at all of them! Can't wait to see the next few generations! How exciting!
Thanks, Amy. I really weeded out. The only reason I kept the MFC project was because the youngsters are looking really good. Considering I only have 4 chicks from my own flock to show for my first year's efforts... I did have a 5th, but she had a funky tail like her dad - a Milroy baby - and was darker than your girl, but with more mottling.

We will see what next year brings, because I think Byron will be covering everyone until I get another nice rooster. Oh, I kept Beakman, my mottled rooster as a back up, too.

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