Mille Cochin Info

Actually I was born and raised about 5 miles down the road. Yes I've lived here my entire life. But that still don't mean I have to enjoy the weather. Actually it was 70 degrees this week last year. But the weather is just funky. I'm just getting tired of the swamp that I have to wade through to get anywhere. I wear muck boots everywhere.
I think it's like that everywhere right now. This has been a rough winter. It's not nearly as cold down here, but this rain is just driving everyone insane. It doesn't even have time to dry up when we get hit again with more rain. It's like a pattern- rain, then 3 days of no rain, then rain again-every week. Thank goodness for those mucks, huh? Can't wait till I can wear my muck shoes instead of my muck boots to the barn, though. And also can't wait till I can back my truck up to the barn to unload feed, instead of unloading it onto the golf cart, then toting it to the barn-which makes me unload it twice-not fun at all.

Yep, ya definitely have to be an animal lover to put up with this mess. Many times, I wish for living in an apartment with no animals to feed and no soggy yard to worry about-but then what would I do to occupy my time??

On a brighter note-I've got 5 little Millies in a brooder that hatched out this week. I've got 14 more to move to the hatcher in a few days. And I've got 14 more that I put into the bator 5 days ago. My girls are really starting to lay-and are very fertile, I might add!!

Just keep thinking Spring, Kinder...It'll get better soon. Good luck.
MrsChickenDad, yep I bet the older chick is a boy. Nice thing about the cochins is you can sex them fairly young. The boys usually (not 100% but close) get their bright orange/red comb & showing wattles in a month. I like the rosy head color on the left chick. Will be fun to see how they feather out
This very striped MFC baby hatched over the weekend--
Say it isn't so. I thought the gorgeous older chick would make a great "Miss Scarlet." What a doll, looks like she(he) is wrapped in a feather boa. I don't want to hear these rumors about it being a roo.
They are all totally adorable. I do agree that the "oldster" is a cockerel. I know we all want pullets, but the boys sure have the personality. I "love" my boys.....I should, I have enough of them!

Good JOB!!!!
The older chick IS a roo. There are a couple pullets the same age (not MF), so it's pretty obvious. Of the new chicks, one is almost a cinnamon color, the other is yellow with a little cinnamon sprinkled on his butt!

Oh, give Lynne the credit for the pretty babies—they're from her birds!
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