Mille Cochin Info

I am really sorry to flood you with pictures again, but I am really loving these two...

Amy, I named her after you because... Well, it was easier than "Pullet from Amy's Eggs". Her sister is Amilia. Hahahaaa!
I am loving her type. She is by far the nicest pullet I have had at this age so far. I will let Byron or Junior cover her when she's old enough.

Again, I fail at names, so this is Junior - Byron's son. OMG, look at his shape! He has his dad's attitude, but with type like that, I can ignore it like I do his dad's temper. Um, the first picture is not the best of him, but he would not calm down and stand in a natural position long enough for me to get a good picture.
I will let him have the girls I have from Katelyn that have breast flowers and the sole partridge girl from Luckypicken's eggs.

I am very excited that I started my breeding pens today, too. They will be 2'x4' wall mount pens so I can house at least trios (maybe a quad if I get desperate) together in less space. They are supposed to be furnished with nipple waterers, roll-out nests and 4" PVC gravity feeders. Hopefully I can set up the water like I want w/ a rain barrel, in barrel heater and heated water lines so I don't have to defrost during the winter. I am trying to cut down from 14 feeders and waterers spread out all over an acre to 2 large coops and all the bantam Cochins in the breeder pens. I will keep the Cochin Condo I built for a grow-out pen/back-up.
I can't believe my luck! My best pullet pictured above is "missing" and she was the only one i was keeping.... Why in the world could one of the extra Roos go missing!
Please keep me in mind if you have a nice pullet that needs a home:rolleyes:

Yeah I found her!!! She came out of where she was hiding at night night time, only she was standing at the bottom of the ramp hanging her head to the ground, puffed up and hardly able to move!!!
I brought her into the house for the last two days and gave her eggs, vitamins and lots of warmth and snuggles and she is great today and back out with everyone sunning this afternoon.
I wonder if one of the young Roos hurt her neck? I guess I will never know....
Beautiful birds, Reyvaughn. How exciting about your breeder pens.

I'm SO glad you found your hen, Mrshollywood!!
I am very excited that I started my breeding pens today, too. They will be 2'x4' wall mount pens so I can house at least trios (maybe a quad if I get desperate) together in less space. They are supposed to be furnished with nipple waterers, roll-out nests and 4" PVC gravity feeders. Hopefully I can set up the water like I want w/ a rain barrel, in barrel heater and heated water lines so I don't have to defrost during the winter. I am trying to cut down from 14 feeders and waterers spread out all over an acre to 2 large coops and all the bantam Cochins in the breeder pens. I will keep the Cochin Condo I built for a grow-out pen/back-up.
is 2x4 big enough for a trio? do you offer roosts also or just floor space? and what wire will you use on the roll-out floor? sorry for so many questions, but i'm trying to find a space-saving option myself. also, how tall are your pens/cages?
I am not going to do roosts. The floors/nests will be solid wood. Only the nest floor will be slanted and the stop edge will be padded with those foam door jam strips. The 2'x4' gives the birds 2 square foot each, not including the nest box. I was going to do 2 1/2" deep pens, but my arm is just over 2' and I don't want any bird to elude my reach. The pens will be about 2-2 1/2' high. I am not exactly sure because I had to use the pattern the other people used when putting the walls up in the shed addition. Seems the 2x6's in there are about 2 1/2-3' apart. I only have the first two 2x4" wall studs mounted at the moment. Not much, but we did have to clean it out, too. It was a horse stall (for 2 horses) that was never cleaned out... For 4 1/2 months.
He's on the GO!!


Sunshine Roo-

The pullets

CHICKS- mother was on the other end of cage.

3 blue mottled pullets from Dudley. His last kids:( I will put them in with each of he MF roos to get some different colors.

I figure you are all probly sick of seeing them so much but the last pics I posted were horrible. I personally like these much better.

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