Mixed heritage and birds with dubious parentage thread. (mutts)

Can you pick out the purebred in the picture above?

Below is my mutt turkeys Ethel hatched on Sept 10th, But sadly they all died as the result of eagles by mid October. Next year I will have a safer place for them whether Ethel likes it or not.

And this is a picture of the greatest rooster that ever lived. It is Brutus the great. He succumbed to something in October, way too young. I never even got a baby from him.

duluthralphie-My kids and I are oooooooo and ahhhhhhhh ing all over your egg pictures!!! how beautiful!!! I hope ours can look like that! So Pretty!!!

I like egg pictures too, I like looking at my eggs. I arrange them by size, color and whatever else I can think of.

I am not an artsy guy, but I love eggs and eggs pictures. I am thinking of investing in a good shrink.
I decided it was time for some mutt pictures.. so here are some of mine. Feel free to guess at their heritage, I am never sure. The one above is a baby from my mutts, A guy in St paul bought 3 dozen eggs in Dec and hatched them. I think this is a cutey and I know the father is either a Rainbow, a Black Australorp or a rooster that is red. I think either a production red or RIR but I could be wrong. All I know for sure is his whole comb is nearly frozen off. poor guy. Oh and he hates to be held or petted, so I pet him every night when I lock the coop.
Cute little baby !! I have no idea what the parents could be. I can only pet mine in the coop too lol. They don't like it.
What beautiful chickens and eggs. I think mutts have really interesting colors. I had one that had five toes on one foot and four on the other. One of the parents were a sgd. it got too close to the dog so it's not around anymore.
Oh no, a dog got your chicken with mismatched feet. That would have been so cool to breed and see if it was a genetic mutation.

As you can tell my dog is not much of a chicken chaser. She lays with the chickens, eats from the chicken feeders with the chickens and cleans up chicken poop from the ground. She is a real mutt for a high priced registered purebred lab.

I am thinking the mother of that chick is an easter egger, but it could be white rock with Black Australorp father. I guess only God knows for sure, but the guy that hatched it sent the picture and I think it is a cutey.

I am also thinking his wife is more open minded than mine. My DW would open a can of whoop on me if I put a chick on her sofa.
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Mow i want some EEs after seeing those cartons!
I know the breed of my 4 hens because i got them as pullets last year after our oldies died. They might not be pure though...i have no idea. 2 Australorps and 2 Isa Browns.

Mr. Rooster is a mystery. He is big though and grew spurs last year to my amazement (he is my first ever rooster ). We have a love-hate thing going on. He loves his hens and has pined a bit sincewe lost the Silkie babies...he protected them from the bigger hens
He has alway been a great dad...it was always the mums that dropped the ball. He has never attacked us or the kids, has warned off local curious cats, doesn't pay any attention to our cats. He has moved towards me in a threatening manner twice when I have upset his girls or babies, but as soon as i look at him or stomp my foot at him he backs off. He hates the hose and doesn't like when I toss buckets of water at him (he thinks it is funny to crow through the screen door and up the hall in a concrete house). I can't wait to see what the future babies come out as!

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