Muscovy duck Q&A

Thank you what do you use for yours. The article I read they use pine shavings and diatomaceous earth. Whatever that is and don't know where I can even get that. They say the D.E. helps to speed up the drying of the poop.
I don't use DE it's so dusty just plain ole pine shavings. If you clean daily just like you would for dogs in ones back yard there really isn't much smell. I also make sure to keep good ventilation in my flocks buildings. I also use fly deterrents can't think of their name now but I hang one in each building starting in spring and never have any problems with flies. It's not to catch them just keeps them out and can be used in feed rooms too. I'll look them up and post back.
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I don't use DE it's so dusty just plain ole pine shavings. If you clean daily just like you would for dogs in ones back yard there really isn't much smell. I also make sure to keep good ventilation in my flocks buildings. I also use fly deterrents can't think of their name now but I hang one in each building starting in spring and never have any problems with flies. It's not to catch them just keeps them out and can be used in feed rooms too. I'll look them up and post back.

K thank you,. I'm going to give this DLM a shot.
I just noticed foam in one of my ducks eyes rewarded and found a forum that you were in discussing this issue. Just put some acv in its drinking water we will see what happens. Since your discussion in the forum have you found any new info on this issue?
K thank you,. I'm going to give this DLM a shot.
I just noticed foam in one of my ducks eyes rewarded and found a forum that you were in discussing this issue. Just put some acv in its drinking water we will see what happens. Since your discussion in the forum have you found any new info on this issue?
From all I have read it's usually from not dunking their heads and cleaning out their eyes. Maybe dust or some other foreign material is irritating the eye. Def try the ACV in water first you can also buy Terramycin eye ointment from online or some feed stores I keep it on hand but haven't ever had to use it.
Most feed stores carry diatomaceous earth... and while it does help dry out the poop quicker for the most part, the fine dust particles can be much more harmful if regularly inhaled by the ducks...

Might look into Sweet PDZ or 'Stall Fresh' instead... it's more granular and not as dusty... but really, I prefer to keep it just plain shavings myself as well...

Thank you
This isn't really pertainent , but funny......I had a male Muscovy. He seemed to have an absolute adversion to water. He would get nasty, and it was like bathing a cat!
Ok with hatching coming any day now,. Just a question... I hear people say for lockdown I should have humidity at 80 percent ( wet bulb method) or 40 percent ( dry bulb method). What does this mean,. What is wet bulb vs dry bulb mean and why does the humidity need to differ between them

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