Muscovy keepers share your pics!

Sadly no. Not a lot of people near me have Muscovys.. I have to drive to other states just to pick out if I'm lucky just 1 if it fits my liking for breeding. I'm very picky when it comes to adding new Muscovys. Also those who do have Muscovys only have blacks, black pieds and whites..
Here are my four. Still trying to figure out the sex
I want Lavender Muscovy's already. I'm going insane thinking about them. I have a designed Avairy already planned and it's going to be beautiful. But they lady who has just one breeding pair of Lavenders most likely won't lay any eggs till next spring.... I just visited her farm, and the female was laying on eggs but the lady said they arn't the females eggs. Also the lavender female is no where close to where the male stays on her property. Uggghh. Anyone know of someone with Lavenders for sale current?

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