Muscovy keepers share your pics!

Bleenie, that pic is adorable!

I am going tomorrow evening to get a few muscovy hens! I'm so glad to finally be getting some hens - I know my drakes will be much happier, although I'll have to find a home for one of them. I think 2 drakes for 3-4 hens is probably not the best idea. Anyway, I'll post some pictures this weekend of the new girls!
Two of my scovies, Meadow and Mister(who disappeared a couple weeks ago


Meadow was sitting on a nest and abandoned it about the time we expected to see ducklings. We put all 15 eggs in the incubator and had one hatch


My other hen, Mocha started sitting a week or so after Meadow. The day we heard ducklings Meadow coudn't keep away from the steps Mocha had her nest under. She kept peeking under there to see what was going on.

Here they are at a week old, got pics finally. Too, too cute!!


And, a pic with Mama

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