Muscovy keepers share your pics!

Could someone tell me what color these two are?



RavenWood- did you incubate them on their sides? Did you candle before you stopped turning?
No, they were incubated in a turner and were candled the Sunday before we set on Thursday noon. All were developing and moving except one. I set 6 into lockdown. I candled and egg-topsied them yesterday and discovered 2 were still alive and unpipped internally so I put them back into the incubator. Of the others - the questionable one was just putrid liquid, one had pipped internally and then died, 1 other was just dead and 2 looked like they had died soon after the last candling as they weren't as developed. Not sure what happened, but I suspect I shrink wrapped the internally pipped one. So I have the remaining 2 in the incubator and was fearing they had died - no movement, nothing. So at lunch today I took them out to candle them and there was no movement and I could no longer see blood vessels around the air cell rim so I figured they were dead too. I poked a hole in both to look in and they both started wiggling. Ack! So I put them back in, upped the humidity to keep their membranes moist. As of this evening, they are still wiggling now and then, but have not pipped and I'm afraid they are stuck in the membrane and will died if they don't pip the membrane soon. I'm so bummed. Of all the things in my incubator for this hatch I was most excited about these and now I've probably killed them. Any advice would be welcomed. Do I try to open the membrane for them or?? I assume that they have not absorbed their yolks since they never even got to pip stage. The membranes are kinda wrinkly, and white ... does this mean they are shrink wrapped?

My incubator temp was at a consistent 99.5-100 degrees, forced air humidity was kept at around 50% for incubation and raised to 70% during hatch as I had duck eggs (aside from Muscovy) in there too, but I couldn't raise it more because I had chicken eggs in there too. We live quite northerly and the air is dry so I figured that was a good rate. All but one of my viable egg air cells were between the 24/30 day range on the image in the link above. I wish I had read this before attempting to incubate.
Hey! I have a baby muscovey, he has a clear runny nose every once in a while is this normal!!? I'm scared puddles is sick! Eating n drinking normal, playing and pooping normal, not sneezing like crazy. Any thoughts??
My incubator temp was at a consistent 99.5-100 degrees, forced air humidity was kept at around 50% for incubation and raised to 70% during hatch as I had duck eggs (aside from Muscovy) in there too, but I couldn't raise it more because I had chicken eggs in there too. We live quite northerly and the air is dry so I figured that was a good rate. All but one of my viable egg air cells were between the 24/30 day range on the image in the link above. I wish I had read this before attempting to incubate.

Ugh I am sorry, it is hard to decide what to do! I dry incubate, then up the humidity to around 70% for lockdown. If they internally pip I wait at least 24 hrs then will help. I follow pete55 on the assisting if I have to:
It also applies to any waterfowl. Main thing is leave the membrane until the blood vessels subside, candle to see where the baby is at all times.
I have seen several shrink wrapped chicks, our humidity is very low here as low as 15%. Follow your gut feeling. Trying is better than nothing.. if your gut says wait, then don't assist. If they don't internally pip I wait the 3 days after hatch date to check. Hope you have success
If you feel they need help, do it. It will answer your concerns and tell you what to do the next time.
I wish you luck, hope you have a couple hatch.
Hey! I have a baby muscovey, he has a clear runny nose every once in a while is this normal!!? I'm scared puddles is sick! Eating n drinking normal, playing and pooping normal, not sneezing like crazy. Any thoughts??

Is it after he eats? how often. Ducks immerse their heads when they drink sometimes and also do it as a part of their grooming. Sneezing may be from the dust off the feed, I had noticed it with my birds too. I always feed wet or fermented now.
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He sneezes maybe once a day. But runny 2 times he just had it he went to cuddle in his blankets for bed. He ate about 7-10 min ago. He seems perfectly fine I just want to make sure. Puddles is one of the family :) so grooming? As in he Snots his feathers?? Lol I've had chickens all my life he's my first baby duck. And I do wet his food down he like slop. I really appreciate the info and help!!!!
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He sneezes maybe once a day. But runny 2 times he just had it he went to cuddle in his blankets for bed. He ate about 7-10 min ago. He seems perfectly fine I just want to make sure. Puddles is one of the family
so grooming? As in he Snots his feathers?? Lol I've had chickens all my life he's my first baby duck. And I do wet his food down he like slop. I really appreciate the info and help!!!!
If he is a baby, appears to be, just be sure he has a heat lamp. He needs 95 degrees first week, decrease 5 degrees a week. Precious baby but they all are
I wish you luck

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