Muscovy keepers share your pics!

The best deal is to keep Peking drake with Muscovy hens. They produce a giant mule which cannot reproduce but they do get large in record time. The meat is not as sweet as the pure Muscovy but if u are breading to sell then u may have a good business going there...

If you breed Pekin drake to Muscovy hen then all drakes will be as large as Muscovy drake but all females will be small like Muscovy female.
On the other hand if you breed Muscovy drake to pekin female then both drakes and ducks will be as large as Muscovy drake.
If you breed Pekin drake to Muscovy hen then all drakes will be as large as Muscovy drake but all females will be small like Muscovy female.
On the other hand if you breed Muscovy drake to pekin female then both drakes and ducks will be as large as Muscovy drake.

Thank u for that update u are correct, plz take note ppl.



OK ladies and gentlemen...over 100 eggs in my home built incubator.
I have pretty much mastered the incubating process, if anyone has problems with their incubators or looking to build one and need assistance feel free to drop a question I'd be happy to help..
Sori to respond so late can I ask how much eggs do u have to spare? My hens lay every day and my drakenis very active, so I can get u a dozen if u like, but I am interested in Peking eggs, thank u

I have plenty eggs to spare. I only have a pair of them but I just set eggs that were a month old and only cleared out four eggs. I wouldnt give eggs to people that were that old. But I had a 100% hatch rate on my eggs that were under a hen. My hen lays eggs everyday and I have started saving eggs again. How many would u be interested in??
my muscovies layed eggs between May 20th and June 10th. they got broody but I have no fertile eggs. when can I expect them to lay again so that I get a drake on time?
Hi, all! I have a couple of questions. Are muscovy mom's usually bad/indifferent moms? Two of my females have hatched nests; but they'll leave the babies behind,and as a result we lost those first two nests. One of my girls was brown and white. Her brown color really bleached out while she sat her nest. She doesn't look very good, and I'm wondering if this is normal? What can I do?

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