Muscovy keepers share your pics!

You avatar does not look too promising for them my friend.

glad to help but remember they have to have somewhere they can stand up in the water

And I have a personal rule just for my own, no ducklings outside till they are 2 months old and then they can't see the other ducks till they get there flight feathers so that's just how I do it, I'm pretty sure other people have had good results with letting there ducklings outside sooner I just prefer the two month mark

I live in a hot climate so all my poultry is outside. they just sleep in a small sleeping coop. the door will stay open till winter. I intend to leave ducklings with their mother, she should protect them. but my other scovies and chickens are not very aggressive, I have a 2 months old brahma pullet with them (the only one hatched but the broody took care of her for about 1 month only). I hope they will accept ducklings as well.
So my drakes hens are being broody and the juvies he's not fond of. So he's hanging with the chickens for a while.
This pullet often hangs with him through the fence (the older orps chase her).
I'm keepin an eye on the drake but the rooster is close and doing the same.

1 of my scovies is sitting on the eggs, 2 pretend they are sitting on the eggs and chose to do it in a coop with 1 roo, 1 pullet and 1 hen. my drake sleeps in another coop with the rest of my chickens, lol. although they where divided in 2 coops they chose to overcrowd and I cannot move any of them, they simply return!
1 of my scovies is sitting on the eggs, 2 pretend they are sitting on the eggs and chose to do it in a coop with 1 roo, 1 pullet and 1 hen. my drake sleeps in another coop with the rest of my chickens, lol. although they where divided in 2 coops they chose to overcrowd and I cannot move any of them, they simply return!
for some reason they all are hanging out. It is crazy!
At least I know I'm not alone with this though :)
I have been browsing through this thread for the past few hours. lol Slow night at work. ;) I finally let my husband talk me into getting some ducklings to go on our little farm. We both like Muscovies soooooo we'll have 11 arriving tomorrow morning! I used Country Hatchery and got 5 black pied, 5 blue pied. They left me a voicemail and said they put a free one in there. :) I can't wait!
Some great advise here on BYC

Be sure to post pics of the new arrivals.
Looking to add some more ducks to my flock... anyone in Minnesota have any ducklings or young ones for sale? Message me if you do or if you know someone who has some available!
So my drakes hens are being broody and the juvies he's not fond of. So he's hanging with the chickens for a while.
This pullet often hangs with him through the fence (the older orps chase her).
I'm keepin an eye on the drake but the rooster is close and doing the same.
AWWS! Is that my baby Dandelion's daddy?
I hope you know young ducklings shouldn't get wet! I am not sure at what age they can, I hope someone more experienced will tell you that.

Thank you, I did read up on that. I'm gonna hold off on swimming for a couple weeks, then introduce them via paint roller tray. I've spent hours reading up on duckling care on here and other places. I thing I'm ready. ;) can't be much harder than chickens. I know about the protein requirements and already have separate food for them. I'll pick up Brewer's yeast today as well. Bring on the babies! Lol

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