Muscovy keepers share your pics!


In about 2 in a half weeks mamma's eggs will hatch. She is wild. She has laid her eggs at my back porch door. I love her to death. I have grown very attached to her as if she were my pet.
I just need to figure out how to protect her ducklings when they do hatch.
Im not a sex expert but i would have to say they cannot be all males.
You can only have 1 male to 5-6 females or they will kill each other. If these were all males there would be some serious fighting going on. Males have red on there face.
Mine are just babies yet. Nobody fights but I want to figure it out before they do ;)
Im not a sex expert but i would have to say they cannot be all males.
You can only have 1 male to 5-6 females or they will kill each other. If these were all males there would be some serious fighting going on. Males have red on there face.

I only have two Muscovies and both are drakes.They live with 9 chickens,two African geese and one Cayuga drake and two Cayuga ducks.These two I've owned since April of 2014 and in all that time I've only witnessed one very weak fight between them.They never fight with the other birds either,they are some of the sweetest flock members I have.I don't even have the right amount of males to females either.They don't pick on new babies or cause any trouble whatsoever so I really think it depends on the personality of the individual drake.Same goes for any bird or animal.Of course though if the parents were aggressive that can pass on to the offspring but each bird has its own personality just like people. :)
Hey all!

I was hoping to get your opinions on genders here. I'm fearing I may have five boys out of ...five lol.

Pardon the messy know ducks. I had already changed water several times lol
Just bumping this to the new page in hopes of our sexing experts seeing it ;)
Just bumping this to the new page in hopes of our sexing experts seeing it ;)

I'd say your white one is likely female based on head size, but that's not my best way to sex. Pretty sure your chocolate with blue-green wingtips is female, too, because of the silhouette of the body from the side. How old are they? Between 3 and 4 months it will be SUPER easy to tell, as the males will be almost double the females' size by around 4 months (at least that has been my experience).

The easiest way for me to sex is by looking at them in profile and unfortunately none of your pictures showed that very well, except for that one duck. Females have a nice rounded underbelly and males are more flat.


Head shape/size can be good to sex, but without seeing them in direct comparison it's hard for me. My example is male on top, female on bottom

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