My Ameraucanas look like hawks :-)

Glad everyone is in agreement. And yes, their beaks are very curvy. I normally let my chickens eat out of my hands because I think it's cool. So I decided to let the "hawks" eat some cottage cheese off my fingers. Never Again! hahaha. Though I was going to loose a finger.

Does anyone else's chickens like cottage cheese as much as mine?
We named one of our EEs "Frightful". It was the name of the hawk in a book call My Side of the Mountain.


It was a girl in the book too!
Here are some pics finally of my "hawks". I named the blue one Gracie. Still taking ideas for my black one.





Oh, and I changed the roost in there to a flat 2x4. That round one was only very temporary. Just FYI.
I have one that looks just like a falcon and her name is falcon and one that is a purebread that has the beard and muffs and he loocked like a chipmonk when he was a baby.
I bought 2 Ameraucana baby girls yesterday. I cant wait for them to get older. I must say I will miss the "Poofy Cheeks"

Oh yeah, I have a Golden Sea Bright that looks more like a Hawk than a chicken.

Her name is Ben (Black and gold we are from Pittsburgh (GO Steelers!))

I wonder if that's OK, being dairy? I know yougart but cottage cheese? HUMMMM i imagine mine would love it! Must try~

Oh and the finger thing....I can see it now!

News update on Fox 13......Chicken bites off mans finger while eating cottage cheese. Are these chickens the new way of crime and torture in ST.Pete??? Stay tuned, Details at 11~
HAHAHAHAHA. I know right! I'm more of a Bay News 9 guy. LOL. j/k

i watch bay news sometimes as well! I just always tend to leave the TV on

Your new girls are purdy
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