My chickens are getting a little bored...


Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Jan 4, 2019
My Coop
My Coop
Hi everyone,

I am recovering from a cold right now and can't give my chickens as much a attention as usual. They are used to getting a lot of attention. I don't want them to get bored and start feather picking, etc. :hmm Does anyone have any ideas that I could make/do for my chickens? It would be nice if it would be on the more simpler side. ;) If it is pretty simple, I might be able to build it (or what ever needs to be done to it) today!

Thank you in advance!!

- cluckmecoop7
Sorry you are not feeling 100%. Hope you feel better soon.
I like slow feed nets, also known as the netted bags I buy my melons or onions in. I put meat, frozen fruit, veggies or what ever I have wrap it in lettuce then put in bag and tie somewhere. When I pack it right they can peck all day. I usually put 2-3 up for my 12 chickens. I agree with leaves and compost too- awesome fun.
Hi everyone,

I am recovering from a cold right now and can't give my chickens as much a attention as usual. They are used to getting a lot of attention. I don't want them to get bored and start feather picking, etc. :hmm Does anyone have any ideas that I could make/do for my chickens? It would be nice if it would be on the more simpler side. ;) If it is pretty simple, I might be able to build it (or what ever needs to be done to it) today!

Thank you in advance!!

- cluckmecoop7
You could just throw a head of cabbage in their run.
Thank you everyone!
I do do the mowed grass in the run and once in a while cucumber/squash. I also have a perch in there. Thank you again for the ideas! :yesss:
Mowed grass actually can cause impacted crops as in other animals it's not recommended as a source of feed.
Definitely if you only have a cold your Birds won't miss you at all. They are happy in the flock they have. Free ranging and enough natural things to do is all a Chicken needs.
Mowed grass actually can cause impacted crops as in other animals it's not recommended as a source of feed.
Definitely if you only have a cold your Birds won't miss you at all. They are happy in the flock they have. Free ranging and enough natural things to do is all a Chicken needs.

Wait, so you mean I shouldn't give mowed grass anymore?

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