My ducks are eating acorns!


9 Years
May 10, 2010
Southern MD
Is this ok? Not that I'd be able to gather all the acorns in the yard. It's not a lot. They only eat the ones that break open, just a couple. I'm just worried they might get stuck inside of 'em. I threw down some extra grit in the yard where they normally forage. Crazy ducks!
I would not worry. Not to long ago someone posted that he is using the leaves as bedding. He loves it, since it does not rot as bad as hay does, and it keeps the flies away. He said his ducks love to toss the leaves to find all the acorns in it. They eat them all and he never had an issue.
Its perfectly alright if your ducks eat acorns. In fact, they are very good for them. In the wild, acorns are one of duck's favortie foods, particularly during this time of year. My ducks dont have access to free range. Nonetheless, I plan on gathering acorns for them this fall to help them fatten up for winter. So, no need to worry... acorns are very good for them, and they are doing something very natural by eating them.
Jeez, I never even thought they could be a problem until I read this post
. It's a good thing they're ok, cuz my ducks eat them like they're a special treat AND they like them so much they "talk" while eating! In fact, their yard is wooded and I notice by this time of year they have always literally eaten every single leave, nut or anything even remotely resembling green growth! Just in time for MORE leaves to start falling and fill up their yard again.
I thought I remember hearing someone that eating acorns will turn their poop a weird color or something like that...
I'm not surprised with the poo. Acorns are high in tannic acid. Too bad we don't have any growing here. Pine and aspen country. Can't wait to see mine eating pine seeds. My dogs love them too.

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