my first eggs!! who laid them?

It was cheaper building our own then buying one already built we used our dog run for the front part and on the side a picket fence with netting all around I do let them out to explore as long as my dog keeps an eye on them, He's great with them
Ok I need some help.... One of my chickens layed this egg. I have been sick for 2days so don't know when it was layed. How do I know if it is fertile?
Ok I need some help.... One of my chickens layed this egg. I have been sick for 2days so don't know when it was layed. How do I know if it is fertile?

What is the purpose of wanting to know if it is fertile? That will play into the method best used for the determination. If your concern is with regards to consuming the egg, there is no need to worry or even determine if it is fertile or not (though you can examine it after cracking it to see if the bullseye is present) - having been laid but not "set" (a hen is not actively incubating it) there is nothing different about eating this egg than any other egg, because development of a chick would not have started.
If your concern is because you wish to hatch the egg, then you would need to "set" the egg (incubator or broody hen) and candle it to check for development.
Ok u answered the question.... This is my very first egg and I don't want to touch it if it is Fertile but if I can take it now and put it in frig I will.
Is the hen automatically a broody hen to the egg it layed?and if it was only a couple of days old then can I grab it a frig it or is it to late?
I have Rhode Island Reds they are not supposed to be broody so they lay their eggs and leave and I collect them
I have Rhode Island Reds they are not supposed to be broody so they lay their eggs and leave and I collect them

If RIR's are not supposed to be broody, I had better go outside and tell B2 (my broody RIR hen) to get off her nest! She is due to hatch out 7 eggs on Monday.

I guess while I'm at it, I should also go and ask Momma Broody (another RIR hen) to give back her baby 'Peepers' too.

I suppose it just goes to show that there are no hard and fast rules with chickens!
Mine obviously did not read the rule book!

Lol, I am now getting 6 eggs a day, but now someone is not using the nest box, hmmm, I also have one girl thats nasty and always attack me and the other girls, debating if I should get rid of her

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