My First Flock


Apr 17, 2017
Encinitas, CA
Hi, I'm a newbie chicken keeper. I have 2 ISA Browns, 2 California Whites, and 6 lovely EEs. I got them as pullets (well, one of the EEs is a layer already), and hopefully soon there will be eggs. The browns and the whites came from one flock, and the EEs from a different flock. Its been interesting watching them learn to get along. The other day I just hung out with them for a while, and the big EE, Flora, started dust bathing and pretty soon it was one big communal dust bath. And it looked like this;

They were all piled up like a litter of puppies! This was the first time I'd seen them all hanging out together as one group.
Flora, the oldest EE

None of the other girls mess with Flora, and she doesn't go out of her way to harrass the other girls. Unless she wants what they have. I think her feathers are so beautiful.


She is a bit of a different personality, and angling to be #2 hen (I'm going to break this into several posts)
Daisy Mae

The ringleader of the production layer crosses. She'd like to be head hen, but will settle for #2. (she and Phlax don't usually go head to head, but I don't think this contest is settled yet) She's usually the first to try something new, and is all most always at my feet if I'm in the run.

The production layer group. The white on the bucket is Maizy Dae, the 2 ISA browns are Aster and Azalea.

They really like jumping onto buckets. So far, none of them are as pushy as Daisy Mae. I guess thats good.

She is the bottom of the pecking order, but she is a sweet little bird. When one of the older hens is dust bathing, she'll get right in there next to them, and shove her head under their feathers. Its like she's not ready to grow up yet.

Petunia and SweetPea hang out together, and look to be the same age. She's second to the bottom of the order. Now that the flock is settling, her personality seems to opening up more. She's a quick learner, she figured out the chicken nipples with one try.

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