My leukemia's back.

Good Saturday morning team!
It's a beautiful summer morning here in the northwoods. The sun is just breaking the treetops and all creation seems to be chittering and chirping away. There's a bit of a crispness to the air, an appreciated break from the oppressive heat and humidity of late. Might actually be able to get some outside work done before the thunderstorms roll back in later today.
Now it's time to go grab my second cup and get my day started. Or maybe I'll just sit here a bit longer and be thankful for all my blessings. That sounds like a better plan, don't you think?
Good morning Team Rachael! A ray of sunshine to brighten your day.
Thanks all! She currently is *inside* tucked in the bottom of a small crate in *my bathroom with AC* and with a towel,chux pad under her and has food and water within 2". She can move her feet but seems to struggle and doesn't stand on them. Should I be concerned? This is 3 days since the attack. Otherwise she is doing pretty good, I think. I leave my chromebook on with chicken videos during the day. LOL. She sleeps 80% of the time.
Is it alright if I share a bit of good news here? (I feel a bit guilty with all that Rachel and family are going thru now)

Some of you may remember that I am a 10 yr CML "liver" (I hate the word "survivor") and I had my latest oncologist roadtrip (everything for us is a roadtrip :rolleyes: ) yesterday and tho we won't get the quantitative PCR results back until Monday or Tuesday, I had the best CBC and chem panel numbers I've seen in years sooooo, (drumroll) it's looking VERY good that I am still in TFR :clap (treatment free remission), passing the one year mark, which is a big milestone for predicting the likelihood of continuing.

I pray that this happy word will be an encouragement to anyone reading who might not be as far along on their journey.
Like the great news Phil posted about, there are great breakthroughs happening for us almost every day it seems.

Chicki, your good news is a breath of fresh air in Rachel's waiting room.

We have no news regarding Rachel and family, so we continue to wait.

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