My leukemia's back.

Friday, don't overdo, but get home safe.

lazy, a few years back, even that part of town was normally safe during the daytime. I've never actually been afraid, or felt so vulnerable like that, ever before. With more homelessness, increased crime rates, etc., it's sad how things have declined.
Good morning, Team Rachel. An update on my friend Bryan. A second specialist says that to him the tumor seems to be attached to the exterior of the kidney and referred Bryan to a surgeon. He meets with the surgeon on the 27th to determine if the kidney can be saved.

Best wishes to your friend Sour, hope his kidney can be saved.
So the blood test I had yesterday.... Came out not so good.
They are "looking" for lung cancer...... But that's not a diagnosis...... I'm not even sure why they are looking that direction except maybe they just want to rule it out.....:confused:

I'll keep everyone posted as to what develops.......
Please do :hugs :hugs

Was going to my lung specialist yesterday morning, and my truck broke down, in the worst part of town. My doctor is not in a bad part of town, but the way our city is laid out, you have to go through the bad part, to get to the good parts of town. There were two homeless men, begging money, working the exit where I broke down. I was not comfortable being there. Right near where I broke down was an Advanced Auto Parts. In a little bit, I managed to get my truck started, and limped into their parking lot. I made arrangements for my mechanic to tow my truck to his place, and check it out this morning. Dh arrived, and took me to my lung specialist. Lung specialist says I'm doing good.

Went to oncologist this morning. I just started on Ibrance. Everything is stable, and looking good at this point. We're hoping the Femara, combined with the Ibrance delivers good results for me. In a few months, I will have to get an infusion to help maintain bone health. I'm to get my flu shot now too.
:hugs glad the appointment went well and i hope the truck is an easy fix :fl

Yes it is! Unfortunately my skin is having a reaction to the plastic, and it hurts like heck every time I move. But one more treatment in a few hours and they come out. Packing up is a challenge with one arm, but I'm just taking a million trips to the car and resting in-between. So looking forward to going home.
:hugs wish i was closer and could help

yes, drive slow and carefully!

If you need to pull over and nap, pull over and nap.

don't push yourself too hard.

good advice right there

Good morning, Team Rachel. An update on my friend Bryan. A second specialist says that to him the tumor seems to be attached to the exterior of the kidney and referred Bryan to a surgeon. He meets with the surgeon on the 27th to determine if the kidney can be saved.
:fl gosh i hope so!! kidney issues are no fun, my daughter had one of hers removed when she was 2 weeks old. He will be in my thoughts :fl

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