My leukemia's back.

No one single solitary "good samaritan" to help with that???

Bruce, Good Samaritans are few and far between. I find that now that I'm "an old lady", people are more apt to lend a helping hand. But, I remember the last time I had to change a flat tire. It was in February, I was 8 months pregnant, at the Dr's office, and crawling around on the snow and ice, changing that flat tire. Not a single soul offered a bit of assistance. People are actually LESS likely to offer assistance to the person MOST in need.

we worry about our daughters remaining kidney and go every 6 months for ultrasounds and tests, but we still worry
That's a tough place to be. Hoping that kidney stays strong and functional.

Sour, Praising God for the good news about Bryan's kidney tumor. What a blessing it would be if they could surgically remove it, and preserve the kidney.
Just popping in to say hi..... Things here seen to be as good as they can be..... Truck breakdowns in the bad part of town....SUCK.
but good doctor news is welcome.
I'm okay.... Feel a little better after talking to the nurse yesterday.
Although I'm not in the clear..... They just want to run some routine X-rays and catscans.
But I'm still hoping the bad blood test is caused by the chronic pain I'm dealing with.....
You all have a good Thursday.
Good morning Team!

Happy 1st day of fall
first day fall 2.jpg
DwayneNLiz, I think it should have early autumn weather until next spring. None of that cold, nasty winter this year.

Friday, how are you feeling now that you're back home? Still praying for you.

Phil, glad the chat with the nurse made you feel better. Seems like they could do an MRI if they are truly looking for any type of cancer in your lungs, or anywhere else for that matter. They do mine from the neck to the knees, and even the tiniest speck of cancer lights up. You're always in my prayers.

sour, is there a possibility of a donor match, and a transplant? I had a friend that donated one of her kidneys to her granddaughter when the granddaughter was little, and they both did fine. Not sure what the hospital's position is on transplanting into a patient with cancer though. He's still in my prayers.
i want summer back, just for a couple more weeks please :oops:
or maybe we can just skip winter :oops:
Are you not having it now? It has been way warmer than normal here, pool went back from 64° to 79° in the last week. I would have lost a bet on that happening! Supposed to be high 70's, low and maybe even high 80s until Thursday. That is 10° to 15° above normal. Not the most pleasant weather for moving the wood that will be delivered Monday into the shed.

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