My leukemia's back.

@Outpost JWB the 11 year old girl that's the way to start the morning!

Happy Saturday everyone!
good morning, all.
Awesome story about the child who has triumphed over her cancer. Praise God. We're in the beginnings of what MAY be the first real snow storm of the season. Predicted to get nasty today. It started 1/2 hour ago. I'm snuggled in, wood fire, hubby home, no kids this weekend. Gonna dig out the sewing machine and make the end panels for the green house. Got all the measuring done yesterday. Now... for the cutting and sewing, hemming and hawing, and grommets!
Thankfully he is still covered under state insurance so we're good there.

3GE, I can't tell you how stressed I was over finances when I was first diagnosed. I fully feel your boy's anguish. I was far more worried about bills than leukemia. The doctors said they could fix me and I believed them. A quarter million dollar bill for my first stay? I about had a stroke, I'm not kidding. Thank God for Medicaid. Glad things worked out well for your deductible, too

Big Boy's now just happy it's his left wrist, he's okay to bowl this weekend. He's also meeting a girl at the bowling alley tomorrow night. Not calling it a date, but I'm pretty sure he's going to get gussied up before he goes. I'm wondering if the door to the smoker is too heavy, but he says he's adding counter weights to it to manage the door better. I asked him for pics cause I can't get a good visual of this smoker, but it sounds massive. I know they're having issues getting an appropriate trailer to haul it, so I'm really not sure what we're in for
I feel your pain.
Every time I ask for something, I hand them drawn out plans with weights and measurements and I still get something bigger than my car,
We won't even get into the compost bin.-well okay, we will- They had fun making it, and it was an experience for both of them, but a little bit of research and maybe listen to me just a little bit would have made the aerobic difference between a compost bin and the anaerobic cow's rumen.
I wanted compost not poo.
good morning, all.

Hey there sour, how's the world treating you today?

Awesome story about the child who has triumphed over her cancer. Praise God. We're in the beginnings of what MAY be the first real snow storm of the season. Predicted to get nasty today. It started 1/2 hour ago. I'm snuggled in, wood fire, hubby home, no kids this weekend. Gonna dig out the sewing machine and make the end panels for the green house. Got all the measuring done yesterday. Now... for the cutting and sewing, hemming and hawing, and grommets!

LG, your day sounds all warm and cozy. Except for the sewing part. I used to love sewing but somewhere in the past 15-20 years, I don't enjoy it any more. Too much fussy, tiddly work with threading invisible needle eyes, a machine that's a pain to drag out and such. I just don't seem to have the patience for it anymore. Other than that, your day sounds perfect!

I feel your pain.
Every time I ask for something, I hand them drawn out plans with weights and measurements and I still get something bigger than my car,
We won't even get into the compost bin.-well okay, we will- They had fun making it, and it was an experience for both of them, but a little bit of research and maybe listen to me just a little bit would have made the aerobic difference between a compost bin and the anaerobic cow's rumen.
I wanted compost not poo.

They sound like over-achievers Eggsy

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