My leukemia's back.

In the mean time, do you have ANY OTHER options for housing them????
Sigh, not that I know of. I moved them there to get them away from our code enforcement guy bcs my on the HOA board neighbor was calling monthly to get him to come out. My friend's lot is less than 2 acres, is zoned residential, and the fence is on the property line and less than 50' from their house. It would cost $100 to apply for a permit to just ask for a possible exception. Then you have to get the get the idea. If I have to sell them, the one I will miss the most is our sweet Feather. She loves people, treats, is curious and willing to be held. Wish we could afford to move...sigh.
Outpost, let me know if you would like the Bielefelder roo if I have to rehome them. Then Hollywood would have a mate-Stars??? The chicks would be Hollywood Stars!!

We have 4/5 farmer's markets a week so I think we could do one but selling privately would be great too! Agree on the greenhouse down the line!

Good find on the lid! A chicken flipper could be a new career for him! And if you hold onto them for a week or two, you'll break even on the eggs.
If I get another rooster DH is going to kick me out! I went in to work later yesterday because I was cleaning, getting housework done. Sitting at the dining room table at 4am, they started crowing.
2 copper marans roos
1 speckled sussex roo
2 olive egger roos
1 leghorn mix roo
1 CCL/BR roo
2 black copper French marans roos.
1 black jersey giant roo
1 amberlink roo
1 golden polish mix roo (DD's pet)

I think there are one or 2 forgive me for passing on this one :D.

Time to exercise. You all have a great day!
If I get another rooster DH is going to kick me out! I went in to work later yesterday because I was cleaning, getting housework done. Sitting at the dining room table at 4am, they started crowing.
2 copper marans roos
1 speckled sussex roo
2 olive egger roos
1 leghorn mix roo
1 CCL/BR roo
2 black copper French marans roos.
1 black jersey giant roo
1 amberlink roo
1 golden polish mix roo (DD's pet)

I think there are one or 2 forgive me for passing on this one

Time to exercise. You all have a great day!

That's a whole lot of crowing going on......

Oh---at the sale, a man came by with five red sex links he said he wanted to sell, cause they weren't laying. Honey went ahead and bought them, cause I was busy with customers. Well, when we looked them over, they look like they're probably 2 year old birds who are just coming out of a molt. They did have a few lice----
so I'm learning what to do for that. But here's the thing---Honey paid $25 for the 5 birds. The man then bought a hen for $15. So, we've got $10 in the hens. We got 2 eggs from them before we got them home, and 3 yesterday
. He's going to treat them for parasites, then turn around and sell them to a friend who has been looking for some layers and make a little profit. I'm teasing him about his new career as a Chicken Flipper
-- new reality show in the making? "Flip My Chicken"

Budgeting: super hard to do when both partners are not on the same page. Most couples have one partner who is driven to man handle the finances, and the other... not so much. It's helpful to have a few ground rules in place. Hubby is more apt to spend than I am. (but even then, he's fairly conservative) But we agree to not spend outside of the normal household budget without discussing it first. He keeps his stash of mad money, which helps keep the frustration about my tight fist from being an issue. And, I feel a bit of empowerment about my chickens paying their way. I don't guilt myself about spending extra money on fencing and gardening stuff, cause the flock is helping out just a bit. Both our incomes go into a common pot.

Trash picking: one of my favorite sports. But, most of my thrill comes from the town dump! I score big there. (the big score is in the eye of the beholder). Even in this matter, hubby and I are on totally different ends of the spectrum. He's Mr. Proper. But, over time, he's come to tolerate, is occasionally amused by, and sometimes gives me a pat on the back for my dumpster diving. Especially when I point out to him how much money I am saving by indulging my propensity for projects at the dump instead of buying all of my materials at Lowe's!

I have the same opinion about our local farmer's market. Just think it's too populated with yuppies and granola wannabees. I'd rather sell my stuff privately, as long as that option works. It's sometimes inconvenient to be carrying eggs everywhere, but even that has a benefit: I sell them at my convenience, instead of having folks dropping by my house at all hours. Love the chicken flipper!

So true about budgeting - we have the same struggle here from time to time - each having their own stash can help a lot because you don't feel beholden to the other, feel empowered to be able to do as you wish with "your" money and the big things, etc become joint discussion/decision points.

LOVE trash picking -- growing up it was a big treat to go to the dump with my dad, he was a treasure finder extraordinaire! Sadly, not so much an option with the way things are handled these days with "trash".
Yard sale-ing is another favorite of mine that comes from a whole lot of it as a child -- it was THE weekend activity all summer long. Now it's the Re-Store for me -- DH and I's "date day" every week is to go to the Re-Store and then out to lunch. I don't think we have come out of there empty handed ONE time.

Hit the nail on the head regarding the farmers markets anymore - we are *just* outside of Portland now and the hipsters, yuppies and trend-seekers/bandwagon wannabes are just too much. Was really excited to see someone post about a market here not long after we moved in - went one time and that was enough for me!
Ran an ad on CL and found someone willing to trade their beef for our pork
I'm so happy, I love having meat in the freezer. We haven't bought beef in bulk for many years. We're going to need another freezer, but that's okay.

Awesome on the trade -- currently on the hunt for a freezer to put out in the utility room so I can start stocking up again. That little thing they put on top of a refrigerator is just not even worth trying to keep stuff in, lol, as soon as I get the freezer it's game on to stock up on meats *and* DH's cousin is already pestering him to commit to a couple of hunting trips so maybe even some venison and elk......haven't had elk in YEARS! I keep trying to convince my sister that we need to go in on a couple of feeder pigs, a steer, some meat chickens, etc -- split the cost, split the work and stock up freezers for both our households. She has this weird hangup about not wanting any cows on her little farm -- I'd have expected the pigs to be what would trip her up.....gonna have to keep working on her and break her down, lol.

Ok, another curve ball. My friend where I keep my flock has a new development going in. Long story short someone complained about the cars in their yard. Now the county code guy is coming and could say "no chickens" as they are not on 2 acres. I have a crested cream legbar roo and a bielefelder roo so they might say no roos or no chickens or not say anything. I'll know in 2 weeks. Sigh.

Oh no - hopefully he just sticks to the complaint, kind of depends on which inspector you get in those situations as some take it as an opportunity to nitpick EVERYTHING they can find and others are pretty laid back.

I hate reading things like that, Hh! I know Kendra is facing similar issues when she grows up and it sometimes worries me to bits. It also scalds my hiney when BOSS is actually spelled BULLY - because that's all it is. If it were me I'd do exactly what LG posted - I agree that it may well be add less trauma to just let him grow to understand that as much as it stinks, these things happen to the non-disabled too, and then let him move on. Who among us here hasn't had at least one of the same kind of bosses? But I'd sure give that guy a piece of my mind, and remind him that he may well have been frustrated, so imagine how frustrated your son was at trying to do the right thing but not understanding what was being said. He should have been grateful that an employee takes his job so seriously that he wants to know exactly what it expected of him so he can give all he can to his job. I am proud of your son for you!! Now, onward to better things!

So well said!
One goal for the week is to get some soap made. I think I have all the stuff, I just need to do it!

What kind of soap do you make??

Howdy folks.... Just checking in.
I just set Ayam Cemani eggs.....

Oooh, look at you getting all fancy and stuff! Now the long wait begins........

Today I'm a big fan of hatching and selling pullets. I made just under $500 at our Crazy Chicken Lady Sale
. And have so many fewer birds to feed! I was starting to really get stressed about caring for all of them. Of course, now I"m thinking of re-investing some of that money in more chicks to grow out....... I also had to come home and take a nap. Too much standing and other activity.

Oh, it's hard having been selling birds. Folks keep asking for different breeds and I think "sure, I could raise some of those"...then I look at how much space I have and think where would I put them? But folks want silkies and Orpingtons and Olive Eggers and Marans and Sapphires and Easter Eggers and the list just goes on and on....I need to focus!
That is awesome --- nothing like less stress AND some $$$ in your pocket to boot!

It can be tempting when you see those trends, but the problem is that they are just that - trends and as soon as you try to switch gears to accommodate them the people have moved onto the next "new thing" and you have all the birds they said they wanted, and now they want something else (like the birds you stopped raising to switch breeds
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Thank you for all the kind words, thoughts and ideas regarding my sister and her transplant -- I got busy after I had posted initially so I hesitate to go back and quote/drag things back up with the thread already days beyond that, but do know that I have read each and every response and SOOO appreciate them all! She's my favorite sister, always has been, and of all us it just seems SO unfair that this has happened to her --- it has been very surprising to see it up close and personal since we moved out here. She got sick while we were still living in Indiana, after my last visit out here, so I hadn't actually seen her since her health started to decline and was really surprised at the toll it has taken on glad we are here now, and that I am going to have a chance to take care of her and help her through this!!!
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I think I might work in a bad part of town. Something about the alarm codes, locked doors, and this is the view from my office today.....

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Lol! My car is that gold colored suv by the police car. Glad to see they are keeping any eye on my car! :lau. I checked it over for bullet holes before I left work. And have this pic in case I need to file an auto claim. It's pretty common in Cincinnati. Thank goodness I live an hour from there! Night and day! We live on a one lane road where we rarely see more than 10 cars go by. And if you see an emergency vehicle, it's probably one street over. Someone od on heroine-you can bet on it.
If I get another rooster DH is going to kick me out! I went in to work later yesterday because I was cleaning, getting housework done. Sitting at the dining room table at 4am, they started crowing.
2 copper marans roos
1 speckled sussex roo
2 olive egger roos
1 leghorn mix roo
1 CCL/BR roo
2 black copper French marans roos.
1 black jersey giant roo
1 amberlink roo
1 golden polish mix roo (DD's pet)

I think there are one or 2 forgive me for passing on this one

Time to exercise. You all have a great day!
4 AM??? Did you record it for the new Chicken Flipper show??

And exercising at 4 am?? Isn't that illegal? Thank you for being dedicated ... as I sit here and eat my tortilla chips.

Well, glad you were inside and they could keep an eye on your SUV!

And plan B is to ask another guy I know if I can move my flock there but he has his own and another gals due to the same issue. Plan C is to sell them. I just hope I can find a good home for My sweet girl Feather, my buff Orpington.
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