My leukemia's back.

Would an electrified fence keep him in? I know all over the site, people are complaining about goats. They are escape artists, and try hard to kill themselves at the same time. If he your only goat. Maybe a companion would help settle him down OR ride shot gun for him and then you'd have to goats going AWOL.
Gee Phil, my Big Boy bought an old beater Buick that apparently needs a new engine. How bout you pop over here and put one in? I'll pay you in pork :cool:

Breathing was a little hard this morning. Not sure if it's a weather thing or what. But I'm feeling better now, time to dispatch a couple of roosters. Echo was up all night vomiting, so maybe some good chicken soup is in the works.

Haha.... Sure as soon as i catch up here..... :lau
Outpost, your friend's party reminds me of a guy I used to work with. He made a regular practice of picking up road kill, fixing whatever it was up in a crock pot and bringing it in to work lunches. No one ever touched his crock pot! :sick

I've brought more than one hit deer home.....
We used to have a 'once a week' work lunch.  I made a pot of Sauerbraten squirrel.  Everyone loved it until I told them what it was.  One woman actually vomited (her multiple servings).  :idunno

A lady at my shop days she hated venison..... But she loved my beef stew..... I didn't have the heart to tell her it was deer meat.
I've brought more than one hit deer home.....
A lady at my shop days she hated venison..... But she loved my beef stew..... I didn't have the heart to tell her it was deer meat.

The Princess used to love my meatballs and meat sauce for spaghetti - then she caught me making both with ground venison. She still doesn't know about the meatloaf.
Would an electrified fence keep him in? I know all over the site, people are complaining about goats. They are escape artists, and try hard to kill themselves at the same time. If he your only goat. Maybe a companion would help settle him down OR ride shot gun for him and then you'd have to goats going AWOL.

I've thought about a hot wire. We don't have any charger, etc right now and with our configuration it would be difficult to run one. But not impossible, it's on my list.

We do have a doe, an mature lady he was raised with. She calmly sets on the Manure Mountain while he traipses all over the neighbor's place. She's not the slightest bit interested in leaving, seems like.

He's approaching breeding age. You'd think he wouldn't want to leave his lady love......
We've got a for sale sign!

So, for you long term married folks----you know when you wander into something you thought the two of you felt the same about, but apparently you have different opinions, and it's so different you think your spouse has been taken over by an alien?

We've been having problems keeping our darn buckling on our property. Our neighbor has been very tolerant, but it's been quite stressful to me. I've tried reinforcing the fence, tying him to a tire, locking him in the chicken pen, reinforcing the fence again....this is really wearing on me. Talked to Honey last night---he feels the neighbor needs to fix the fence so the goat can't get over there.



I can't believe he thinks that. It's our goat. Our animal, our responsibility to contain. If the situation were reversed, it would be the neighbor's responsibility to contain. I was floored at his stance. Just one of those Black Holes of Marriage, I guess.

Anyway, the goat is in the chicken pen again. There' a chair wedged under the door of the coop so they can't break out again
Believe it or not, Wyoming is a "Fence out" state, not a "Fence in" state. In other words, it's the adjacent landowner's responsibility to erect and maintain a fence if he doesn't want his neighbor's cattle, etc. straying onto his land. Seriously....
We've got a for sale sign!

So, for you long term married folks----you know when you wander into something you thought the two of you felt the same about, but apparently you have different opinions, and it's so different you think your spouse has been taken over by an alien?

We've been having problems keeping our darn buckling on our property. Our neighbor has been very tolerant, but it's been quite stressful to me. I've tried reinforcing the fence, tying him to a tire, locking him in the chicken pen, reinforcing the fence again....this is really wearing on me. Talked to Honey last night---he feels the neighbor needs to fix the fence so the goat can't get over there.



I can't believe he thinks that. It's our goat. Our animal, our responsibility to contain. If the situation were reversed, it would be the neighbor's responsibility to contain. I was floored at his stance. Just one of those Black Holes of Marriage, I guess.

Anyway, the goat is in the chicken pen again. There' a chair wedged under the door of the coop so they can't break out again

Believe it or not, Wyoming is a "Fence out" state, not a "Fence in" state. In other words, it's the adjacent landowner's responsibility to erect and maintain a fence if he doesn't want his neighbor's cattle, etc. straying onto his land. Seriously....
Oregon has some open range counties and some mixed.


Oregon Revised Statutes chapter 607 defines livestock districts and open range and sets the procedure and requirements for establishing or changing a livestock district. The procedure is handled by the county clerk. When a livestock district is created or changed, written notification is sent to the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA).

Oregon livestock districts

A livestock district is a closed-range district where livestock may not run at large; the livestock owner or manager must keep livestock on his or her own property.
The following counties are livestock districts:

  • Benton
  • Clackamas
  • Clatsop
  • Coos
  • Gilliam
  • Hood River
  • Multnomah
  • Polk
  • Sherman
  • Tillamook

Open-range Oregon counties

  • Grant
  • Harney
  • Lake

Both open-range and livestock districts

Check with the county clerk or the ODA brand recorder for detailed descriptions of open range areas and livestock districts.

  • Baker
  • Columbia
  • Crook
  • Curry
  • Deschutes
  • Douglas
  • Jackson
  • Jefferson
  • Josephine
  • Klamath
  • Lane
  • Lincoln
  • Linn
  • Malheur
  • Marion
  • Morrow
  • Umatilla
  • Union
  • Wallowa
  • Wasco
  • Washington
  • Wheeler
  • Yamhill
Goats are very cantankerous. I see my neighbor chasing his down at least once a week. He has about 10. They hop up on his tractors, on barn roofs, dog houses, run down the road. Just mean little snorts. I've seen them standing on top of the pot belly pig. Poor pig.

Dropped off the rabbits & friend was butchering turtles. Turtle soup anyone? @lazy gardener about cooking squirrels are going to need more than one. If you soak them overnight in the frig in brine, they are pretty good grilled. Personally squirrel & dumplings is my preferred method of fixing them. Just like chicken & dumplings.

@LittleLakePhil. I've taken out my fair share of deer with vehicles. My results of hitting deer has totaled one car, did over $1000 damage to a suv, didn't phase the Ford F-150. Too bad it's on its last leg, or I'd have more meat in the freezer! Most years I do better than hubby does hunting. Nothing like him getting a call at 5am saying "Get the truck. I've hit another one".
Where we used to live was open range. Wasn't much of an issue for us, it was high desert and pretty rural, no one ran livestock around us so we didn't have to fence out anything.

Here, we're basically in town. We've got to be good neighbors and responsible animal owners. I've got the goats roaming the front of the property right now, dragging lead ropes. I decided there's really not any plants I'm concerned about them eating this time of the year. Only challenge is keeping them out of the feed barn, the doors don't close on that. But it's getting me to spend more time outside, which is a good thing
Rachel, glad you're seeing a bright side to the goats, lol. We had our share of goats back in FL. They were adorable as little kids but once they starting popping out of every quarter-size hole in the fencing, they weren't so cute. I was glad all the neighbors were good about watching out for them because we just could not keep them contained. Rascals!

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