My leukemia's back.

Well, I may have a solution?

We have a bunch of plastic jugs that came from the hospital. They held a few gallons of cooking oil, and we rinse and use them for water storage, etc. They're pretty sturdy and have a handle. So, I filled one with a little water and tied it to Mac with a lead rope. It's light enough he can drag it easily, but it's kept him from going through the fence this afternoon! And, my thinking is, if he does go through the fence, the jug will hang up and we'll be able to see where his hole is, cause I sure can't find it now. He was a little wigged out by the jug following him, but he's over that. I'm going to work tomorrow, so they'll probably get put back in the chicken pen while I'm gone, but out again in the afternoon.

We had our first showing of our place today! I'm so excited. I don't think it's even on the MLS yet, I think they just saw the sign and made an appointment. I honestly don't think they're going to put in an offer, but at least it's getting some attention. I may get to move after all!
wow that seems kind of backwards......
It is a hold over from the wild west days and Rancher rights. Cattle was big out here.
Good morning all!

Chilly 28* here this morning...anyone else getting cold?

Bunny, are you catching any of the hurricane weather?
Rachel, getting to show your house so quickly is great...hope that right buyer shows up soon so you all can get a place you really like!
It is a hold over from the wild west days and Rancher rights. Cattle was big out here.

Yep - there are still places, as noted above, where it is the "norm".
That said, even in fence out areas most folks that are not availing themselves of "open range" for large scale grazing, etc take steps to contain their animals for the simple fact that it is good stewardship.
Good morning all!

Chilly 28* here this morning...anyone else getting cold?

Bunny, are you catching any of the hurricane weather?
Yeah. It's been mostly overcast and breezy for a day or two; got half an inch of rain last night. Just enough 'weather' to keep everyone on their toes and moving toward getting their preparations wrapped up. I'm wondering if the guys at the National Hurricane Center are going to have any hair left after this storm finally blows itself out; forecasting it must have been pure heck. The current forecast has it doing a loop, but every time they come out with an update, they push it a little further north. The current forecast has the center of circulation passing just to the south of us Saturday night/Sunday morning. Expecting an outrageous amount of rain, at least tropical storm winds, probable power outages. Not the weekend we had been planning on - Critter's sailing club had to cancel their Indian Summer regatta.
We got an offer! I'm amazed, I didn't think they liked the place that much. But hey, whatever......

It's too low, so we'll counter. But the agent said everything else looks good. Going to look at a place tonight
Yeah. It's been mostly overcast and breezy for a day or two; got half an inch of rain last night. Just enough 'weather' to keep everyone on their toes and moving toward getting their preparations wrapped up. I'm wondering if the guys at the National Hurricane Center are going to have any hair left after this storm finally blows itself out; forecasting it must have been pure heck. The current forecast has it doing a loop, but every time they come out with an update, they push it a little further north. The current forecast has the center of circulation passing just to the south of us Saturday night/Sunday morning. Expecting an outrageous amount of rain, at least tropical storm winds, probable power outages. Not the weekend we had been planning on - Critter's sailing club had to cancel their Indian Summer regatta.

Sorry about the regatta. Stay safe and keep us posted if you can!

We got an offer! I'm amazed, I didn't think they liked the place that much. But hey, whatever......

It's too low, so we'll counter. But the agent said everything else looks good. Going to look at a place tonight

Atta girl Rachel! Hope the interested parties come up some in their offer and you all can wrap this up soon. Happy home hunting!

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