My leukemia's back.

Oh, me too! A lift just makes the most sense, and will sure easier on the budget than the pitfalls of a ramp that we've run into. With Ken's degrees (one in Electronics Engineering and one in Instrumentation, plus his 50 years as an electrician) and Kenny's previous experience working for a hydraulics repair company many years ago they should be able to put something safe, sturdy and practical. It's just getting the time and materials gathered, and by golly, they'd better get on it!
blooie I'm thinking you need to get her therapist involved. This is a transfer, and for patient and caregiver safety something needs to be done. therapists love a challenge like this, outside the normal stuff they do. I'll ask the ones I work with, but most of them don't do peds so I'm not sure they'll have much input.

I did a quick Google search and didn't find much that would seem to fit you. I did find backpack carriers for larger kiddos, but I don't think that's really what you need, you're going such a short distance. More like a sling type front wrap....I don't know. But until you get that lift, dog her therapist to get creative and help you.
I really haven't wanted to post this, but denial can only take you so far.......

Some of my byc family remembers I was diagnosed with leukemia in June 13. I did all the chemo and had a clean bone marrow in Feb 14, indicating remission. Well, that didn't last. My labs started dropping and I had another bone marrow biopsy, it confirmed I'm relapsed. I go back to OHSU in Portland on Tuesday for induction chemo again. This means a 4-6 week stay, 250 miles from home
. It's going to be quite a challenge for my family. My honey's having a hard time not being able to be with me, but he's got to hold down the fort at home. The boys aren't happy, of course, but at least we've had some warning this time. After Induction and some more chemo, they'll be looking for a bone marrow donor since I don't have appropriate siblings. This whole process is going to take a long, long time.

I know God's got my back with this, and it's His plan no matter what happens. It's just hard being so far from my family. And then even when I can come home, I'll be immune compromised and have to live like a germaphobe again--most of you know I'm pretty much the opposite of that!

So, I'd again encourage anyone who is able to donate blood. Not specifically for me, but for everyone like me out there who relies on a transfusion to keep going.

All my friends who are praying folk--your prayers are always accepted! For those who aren't praying people, feel free to start any time
HB, praying that God's will be done re: your job interview.  If not this job, then an other one that is a perfect fit for you. 

Blooie, You need to design a kid back pack.  Not one for the kid to use, but for easily toting a larger kid where a wheel chair won't do.  And, will a wheel chair do?  Perhaps you would benefit from that?  Though I do recall her having issues about being trundled over uneven ground.  Perhaps a ramp???  

Rachel, any more news on the real estate front???  Congrats on baby Isabelle!  When my son was about 4 years old, my church family were saying good by to a couple who were moving away.  Isabelle and Frank Pope (we were the only evangelical church in the area who could boast of having our own Pope!)  Any how, every one was sharing favorite memories.  Finally, my son turned to hubby and, asked, "Dad, Why is she a bell???"

Phil, how goes it?  Taking nourishment, and still breathing???

On the home front here, my work hours have gone from nicely doable to non existent.  I don't mind being home, rather like it.  But, the money thing....   My dtr and SIL closed on a house last week.  I expect to have both grand kids here with me next week as they start in new schools, and dtr and SIL continue the work of cleaning and moving into their new house.  

My breathing is going fairly well at the moment. I've lost over 15 pounds.... Pretty close to as much as i can afford to lose so hoping for good sugar results as I've lowered my prednisone..... But we all know that is temporary as breathing will go south as soon as it gets cold. But for now I'm just enjoying the short vacation from breathing issues.

Rachel i Pray you are breathing better soon anyways..... Phil
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Morning everyone!

Blooie, we got a little snow yesterday (not as much as least not yet!)

Phil, good to hear from you. Keep on keeping on!
congrats on the weight loss, Phil!

I'm just thrilled to be holding steady right now. Lung Dr called yesterday, my breathing test had not improved one bit with the increase in prednisone. So, stay on this dose for another two weeks and check it again. I was feeling about back to my baseline on Mon and Tues, but yesterday just doing my chores was winding me again. I've got some mostly quiet days at home the rest of the week, then a trip to a poultry seminar in Corvallis on Saturday. Hopefully the rest will help? We'll see what the weather is doing, also. Does anyone else feel like the summer was very short?
I know you all are expecting snow this time of year, but I got some coming back from Mom's last time, it's kind of early for us.

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