My leukemia's back.

hb--praying for peace and good news for the job! I totally get the terrified thing

I don't know if you all remember me posting about my friend who was unexpectedly pregnant this last summer--well, she had her baby tonight! Baby Isabelle is here safe and sound. I'm not sure how long I can hold out before I go see her.........
I'm here......see me? Been keeping up with what's going on, and making sure that my prayer list stay up-to-date!!
Having a bit of a rough spot at the beloved sister Linda isn't doing well at the moment. Ken's out of town for this week (again) and it's amazing how much I rely on him to help with Katie and Kendra at 5:00 am. It's very difficult for me to carry Kendra from the house to the car when I take her to school, and then carry her back in when she gets home.....he usually does that for me when he's here. That little stinker is heavy - almost 50 pounds - and she's dead weight. She doesn't wrap her legs around my waist or help with the carry in any way, so she just sorta hangs on me...........
HB, praying that God's will be done re: your job interview. If not this job, then an other one that is a perfect fit for you.

Blooie, You need to design a kid back pack. Not one for the kid to use, but for easily toting a larger kid where a wheel chair won't do. And, will a wheel chair do? Perhaps you would benefit from that? Though I do recall her having issues about being trundled over uneven ground. Perhaps a ramp???

Rachel, any more news on the real estate front??? Congrats on baby Isabelle! When my son was about 4 years old, my church family were saying good by to a couple who were moving away. Isabelle and Frank Pope (we were the only evangelical church in the area who could boast of having our own Pope!) Any how, every one was sharing favorite memories. Finally, my son turned to hubby and, asked, "Dad, Why is she a bell???"

Phil, how goes it? Taking nourishment, and still breathing???

On the home front here, my work hours have gone from nicely doable to non existent. I don't mind being home, rather like it. But, the money thing.... My dtr and SIL closed on a house last week. I expect to have both grand kids here with me next week as they start in new schools, and dtr and SIL continue the work of cleaning and moving into their new house.
HB, praying that God's will be done re: your job interview. If not this job, then an other one that is a perfect fit for you.

Blooie, You need to design a kid back pack. Not one for the kid to use, but for easily toting a larger kid where a wheel chair won't do. And, will a wheel chair do? Perhaps you would benefit from that? Though I do recall her having issues about being trundled over uneven ground. Perhaps a ramp???

Rachel, any more news on the real estate front??? Congrats on baby Isabelle! When my son was about 4 years old, my church family were saying good by to a couple who were moving away. Isabelle and Frank Pope (we were the only evangelical church in the area who could boast of having our own Pope!) Any how, every one was sharing favorite memories. Finally, my son turned to hubby and, asked, "Dad, Why is she a bell???"

Phil, how goes it? Taking nourishment, and still breathing???

On the home front here, my work hours have gone from nicely doable to non existent. I don't mind being home, rather like it. But, the money thing.... My dtr and SIL closed on a house last week. I expect to have both grand kids here with me next week as they start in new schools, and dtr and SIL continue the work of cleaning and moving into their new house.
We've been toying with how to build a wheelchair ramp for her that will work. Problem is our deck is so stinking high that when you take into account the "so many feet of run per foot of rise" formula, the stupid thing would be in Cleveland by the time we were done building it. And the stairs come off it at such a screwy angle that we'd have to move the deck access, and that puts the ramp going away from the parking area - way away - like into the middle of the yard on the south side or almost into the chicken coop on the west side. <sigh> Same problem at the kids' house, sans chicken coop. Ken has been working on a plan for a hydraulic lift but he's never here. <another sigh> So we carry for now. How would a sling type thing help? Pattern anywhere?

So exciting for dtr and sil to be moving into a new place. Funny how handy us grandparents are sometimes, ain't it? But I love every minute of it, and I'm sure you will enjoy that week too!
We've been toying with how to build a wheelchair ramp for her that will work. Problem is our deck is so stinking high that when you take into account the "so many feet of run per foot of rise" formula, the stupid thing would be in Cleveland by the time we were done building it. And the stairs come off it at such a screwy angle that we'd have to move the deck access, and that puts the ramp going away from the parking area - way away - like into the middle of the yard on the south side or almost into the chicken coop on the west side. <sigh> Same problem at the kids' house, sans chicken coop. Ken has been working on a plan for a hydraulic lift but he's never here. <another sigh> So we carry for now. How would a sling type thing help? Pattern anywhere?

So exciting for dtr and sil to be moving into a new place. Funny how handy us grandparents are sometimes, ain't it? But I love every minute of it, and I'm sure you will enjoy that week too!

Maybe you could design it to go a ways, hit a platform and change direction? That would allow you to direct it to end/start in the right direction for the driveway *and* could help in the issue of it being SOOOOO long in one direction?
Maybe you could design it to go a ways, hit a platform and change direction? That would allow you to direct it to end/start in the right direction for the driveway *and* could help in the issue of it being SOOOOO long in one direction?
A platform is a given anyway we go, OGM..... the 3 sets of plans we drew up initially required 3 platforms each in total and the zig-zag still made it extend way out into the yard from where we need it to be. And of course because of her disability, she is on a special state program, so they have to approve absolutely everything we do. After we were denied the second set of plans, we sort of gave up. Just can't please them. It's not like we were planning an OSB chute, for heaven's sake, but both times they said we had to remove a tree for "safety concerns" and that we'd have to remove and rebuild the deck to provide access on the other side. Removing that tree would cost us over $900 - it's huge and far too dangerous for Ken and I to attempt on our own, even with help!! Now, we know that we have make some concessions to accommodate Kendra, and believe me no family has ever been more devoted to the needs of one amazing little girl. But to spend that to remove the offending tree, then dismantle and rebuild the deck because of the odd angle, and then build a ramp - it's just more than our budget can handle. So for now, we carry her!

Now, figuring our trailer is 10" wide, look at the size of that trunk - it's the tree on the far left of the photo and almost directly in line with the front of the house. I'm standing on the edge of the sidewalk to take this shot, and our parking area is behind me. And we have 5 of those trees. Logistics.
Blooie, perhaps you can rig a swing from one of those tree branches, and sling shot her from the driveway in through the front door.

Oh, LG...........I am dying reading this!
You aren't the only one, OGM!
I immediately got this mental image of a hummingbird watching this pig-tailed little bullet whiz past him, and him wondering if the sugar water was fermented!!
Whoa Blooie, you certainly do have challenges with putting in a ramp. Lookit the size of that tree (and you have FIVE of them?)!

The hydraulic lift to lower K to the ground does seem the most practical. Hope you all can find the time and way to make that happen before she gets much heavier...otherwise, someone will be having to carry a certain lady with a messed up back out of the house!

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