My leukemia's back.

We put in an offer on a house today

It's going to need some work for the animals, but that's okay. Heavily wooded, but amazingly enough, I know guys with chainsaws
. It's a 5 bedroom, so each boy would have his own room. And, for the first time, my Mom was saying she will probably need to move to this area in the next few years (I'm thinking sooner, but baby steps for her), so that would be a room for her also.

It's a manufactured home, and the foundation at the back side has been removed and replaced, so we need to see what happened there. And, when Honey got on line to the county surveyor's maps, it looks like the garage is over the property line. Realtor is going to look into that......

It's raining and windy like crazy here today. time for chili!
Oh, I so hope it works out for you!!!! Keep us updated!!!
Howdy.... Dang i get busy for a few days and you all are just doing all kinds of stuff.

Oh Outpost..... So sorry.... I totally understand your situation though.
Do your best..... Programs do work. I wish my wife had gone through a structured program. But she's doing okay.... Don't it her way.
You I'll be thinking about you. Take care..... Phil
Rachel.... Good luck.
I don't envy you.... House buying isn't something i want any part of.....
Good luck.
Hope your breathing gets better. I'm trying to drop my prednisone.
Going to get a better sugar level myself...... Phil
Rachel, good luck on the house! Sounds like a good fit for you and yours.

Haha.... Sure as soon as i catch up here.....

I've brought more than one hit deer home.....
A lady at my shop days she hated venison..... But she loved my beef stew..... I didn't have the heart to tell her it was deer meat.
LOL. I have done the same with my family but added beef burger as well. So it would go something like this:
Child: Mom, what's for dinner? I'm hungry!
Me: Corn chili and corn bread. It will be ready in half hour.
Child: Is it beef chili?
Me: There's lots of burger in there. Do you want beans?
Child: No, thanks.

LOL. I have done the same with my family but added beef burger as well. So it would go something like this:
Child: Mom, what's for dinner? I'm hungry!
Me: Corn chili and corn bread. It will be ready in half hour.
Child: Is it beef chili?
Me: There's lots of burger in there. Do you want beans?
Child: No, thanks.


Reminds me of grandma's mincemeat pie...loved that stuff. Didn't find out until last year she made it out of squirrel meat.
Good evening....been a few days since I've been on byc. I have a lot going on. DH & I are talking about throwing in the towel. I just can't do it by myself anymore. I go to work, do the housework, dinner, He says he is not able to help, dishes, laundry anything, but he's able to go hunting
. I am tired of being a doormat and have asked for a divorce. He went to a 12 step program Monday and is going to an AA meeting tomorrow. I honestly don't want to even commit to trying. We have been down this "I'll change" road far too many times. Don't bother to pm me, because he intercepts emails. Just pray for me & I'll stop by when I can. For now, I have to figure out what to do with 5 rabbits and 80 chickens. And most importantly, how to not hurt DD worse than she is already hurting.
Outpost, Hang tight. You can always send Hollywood back to me if needed. Things appear to be settled down for now. Meantime I will be praying for you for strength, wisdom and grace. May God show you what you need to do.

HI Blooie!
And Hi to everyone else!
Having a quiet day and debating as to whether it would be awful if I didn't drive 2.5 hours each way to my good friend's re-commissioning ceremony... She has been a wonderful friend of mine for 35+ years and there are other folks driving from a further distance to get there for the 1 hour special service and reception following. I said I would come, will feel guilty if I don't go and am feeling tired from very busy month. I want to go just not the driving part!
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Hi all....

We've had a petty quiet weekend. Looked at that house yesterday, brought the horses home today, not a whole lot else. Honey's been working a crapton, so we've just hung out and he even took a nap each afternoon. I'd like to nap, but I'm taking prednisone, so sleeping isn't big on my list at the moment
. It's raining heavily, so we're just watching movies and snuggling down with the fire going. Nice weekend
HI all! My computer screen broke so I can't really see what is written. Sooo it could be awhile before I can see again.
Not sure if I should replace the cracked chromebook screen or buuy a refurbished one.. So pardon any errors and know I am thinking of you all.
HI all! My computer screen broke so I can't really see what is written. Sooo it could be awhile before I can see again.
Not sure if I should replace the cracked chromebook screen or buuy a refurbished one.. So pardon any errors and know I am thinking of you all.

It looks like you can get a screen for 42 to about 60 dollars. Chrome book looks like it s about 185.

You can get an i3 for about $300.00.

I have replaced laptop screens before--it is not tough if you have the correct tools.

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