My leukemia's back.

OutPost: I agree with Blooie, words fail me. However, I will pray for you. I don't even know how to pray, but HS can supply the words that I'm not capable of coming up with. Draw the line in the sand. You have been hurt. Right now, you are emotionally beat up. I suggest that you focus on taking care of yourself and your DD right now. How old is she? I can tell you that it is possible to heal from addiction. The Grace and power of God has worked a miracle of healing in my family. I have a family member who by all accounts of man should be dead right now. At one point that person's heart had stopped beating. God has healed from addiction and is restoring the years that the locust has eaten. Family has been put back together. So, while you are hurting so very bad, take care of yourself. Give yourself time and space. But, if your husband wants it bad enough, he CAN change. But the change won't come through his efforts. It can only come through the healing that God can provide to a willing heart.

Do what's best for you, do what's best for your DD. You're in my thoughts and prayers
@Outpost JWB ---
to you. There are no words I can offer that would make your situation any less difficult right now, but please know you are in my thoughts.
Thanks everyone. So far, we have had a couple amicable discussions. If he continues on the path he took this week, he will be a better person. We will both be better people when it's all said & done.
Thanks everyone. So far, we have had a couple amicable discussions. If he continues on the path he took this week, he will be a better person. We will both be better people when it's all said & done.

Moving in the right direction!

Several churches here have a Ministry called overcomers. It is geared for overcoming addictions among other things. I think it is nationwide.
We have that program in our church and it is very well attended and well received in the community. It's not just for substance issues, but for any issue in one's life that keeps them from being all they want to be.
I'm wondering if Outpost needs to go to some meetings also? Is Overcomers for families also, I'm not familiar with that. But I was thinking like Al-anon or whatever the spouse's group is called.
I believe overcomer's is for families also. IMO, when dealing with any type of dependency issue, it's helpful for family members to be involved in group support. Both for the support aspect and also to learn how to respond to the person who is struggling with addiction. It's so easy to fall into the mind games that can go along with it. And by knowing where and how to draw that line in the sand, you can move forward with a healthy mind set instead of being sucked into the reactive mode. There is a family that I know who has a dtr who is yanking her parents chain all over the place with totally erratic and preposterous behaviors. Unfortunately, the mother will not listen to reason and is an incredible enabler. So sad, but I've pretty much reached the conclusion that my best course of action is to distance myself from the whole situation.
We put in an offer on a house today

It's going to need some work for the animals, but that's okay. Heavily wooded, but amazingly enough, I know guys with chainsaws
. It's a 5 bedroom, so each boy would have his own room. And, for the first time, my Mom was saying she will probably need to move to this area in the next few years (I'm thinking sooner, but baby steps for her), so that would be a room for her also.

It's a manufactured home, and the foundation at the back side has been removed and replaced, so we need to see what happened there. And, when Honey got on line to the county surveyor's maps, it looks like the garage is over the property line. Realtor is going to look into that......

It's raining and windy like crazy here today. time for chili!
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We put in an offer on a house today

It's going to need some work for the animals, but that's okay. Heavily wooded, but amazingly enough, I know guys with chainsaws
. It's a 5 bedroom, so each boy would have his own room. And, for the first time, my Mom was saying she will probably need to move to this area in the next few years (I'm thinking sooner, but baby steps for her), so that would be a room for her also.

It's a manufactured home, and the foundation at the back side has been removed and replaced, so we need to see what happened there. And, when Honey got on line to the county surveyor's maps, it looks like the garage is over the property line. Realtor is going to look into that......

It's raining and windy like crazy here today. time for chili!


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