My leukemia's back.

Redneek, I'll add you to my prayer list, if you'd like. I wish you the best in your battle. They've come a long way in treatment of leukemia. A friend of mine was diagnosed with the same type a few years ago. She underwent chemo, and 2 cord stem cell transplants (at the same time). Her blood type even changed when one of the donor transplants took over her body! She's doing great. BTW, her cells came from Spain! She never knew that she had Spanish ancestry. But, apparently so, b/c they didn't find any compatible donors here in the states, but found 2 in Spain!
Honey and I aren't much of holiday celebrating folks. This morning, while looking at everyone's What I Got for Valentine's Day posts on FB he jokingly asked me if he should be getting me anything. That was the very opening I'd been waiting for--I said since the sun was shining, he could butcher some roosters
He's asked me not to do it on my own, and it's been driving me nuts thinking of leaving for so long with all these excess birds we don't really have room for. So, today 4 roosters got processed....Happy Valentine's Day to me! Maybe I can get him to do 4 more Monday morning...nothing tomorrow as we're going to the coast for the day.
We should be neighbors!!!
Why aren't we neighbors?

With that said, even though we also do not do valentines or other obligation holidays,
By the time all the girl scout cookies rolled in yesterday ( If they can get the nerve up to ask, I will order cookies. Sometimes, that's a lot of cookies.)
and the neighbor girls brought cupcakes, and one of my husband's students sent chocolate cookies.. For not being into the day, we had a table full of loot.
With that said, even though we also do not do valentines or other obligation holidays,
By the time all the girl scout cookies rolled in yesterday ( If they can get the nerve up to ask, I will order cookies. Sometimes, that's a lot of cookies.)
and the neighbor girls brought cupcakes, and one of my husband's students sent chocolate cookies.. For not being into the day, we had a table full of loot.
What a haul! lol
We should be neighbors!!!
Why aren't we neighbors?

With that said, even though we also do not do valentines or other obligation holidays,
By the time all the girl scout cookies rolled in yesterday ( If they can get the nerve up to ask, I will order cookies. Sometimes, that's a lot of cookies.)
and the neighbor girls brought cupcakes, and one of my husband's students sent chocolate cookies.. For not being into the day, we had a table full of loot.
I used to be of this mind, also....until honey became diabetic, and my weight has also gone out of control. Now, I do a pay it forward. I don't get door to door, it's mostly outside the grocery store that I get accosted. I give them $ for one box of cookies and tell the girls they have to give a box to someone coming out of the store that just really looks like they could use a box of free cookies. A frazzled mom with kids in tow, an older man by himself, whoever they think needs cookies and a smile. This way, I feel good about supporting them, honey and I don't eat cookies, and it pretty much always makes the mom supervising the girls tear up, so I call it win

I agree we should be neighbors, but you live in the wrong place. Move to Oregon!

My honey's probably glad we're not, though, cause now you've got me wanting bees. And a bee gate

We had an absolutely fabulous day at the coast! The weather was 70degrees, clean, just a light breeze. We found the perfect place to tidepool and I got to see more starfish than I could count. Honey and Big Boy like turning over rocks to see who is living underneath, we found an eel
. I've never seen an eel in the wild was in this little pool with a ton of rock crabs. Honey and Sugar Monkey were brave enough to touch it, all day long Sugar Monkey walked around telling random strangers "I poked an eel" that kid, I'm telling you. On the drive home he told me he's going to start his 5-Phase Plan for World Domination while I'm in Portland, but assured me he'll still be in southern Oregon when I get home, although eventually his headquarters will be in Asia. What does a mom say to that?
I used to be of this mind, also....until honey became diabetic, and my weight has also gone out of control. Now, I do a pay it forward. I don't get door to door, it's mostly outside the grocery store that I get accosted. I give them $ for one box of cookies and tell the girls they have to give a box to someone coming out of the store that just really looks like they could use a box of free cookies. A frazzled mom with kids in tow, an older man by himself, whoever they think needs cookies and a smile. This way, I feel good about supporting them, honey and I don't eat cookies, and it pretty much always makes the mom supervising the girls tear up, so I call it win

I agree we should be neighbors, but you live in the wrong place. Move to Oregon!

My honey's probably glad we're not, though, cause now you've got me wanting bees. And a bee gate

We had an absolutely fabulous day at the coast! The weather was 70degrees, clean, just a light breeze. We found the perfect place to tidepool and I got to see more starfish than I could count. Honey and Big Boy like turning over rocks to see who is living underneath, we found an eel
. I've never seen an eel in the wild was in this little pool with a ton of rock crabs. Honey and Sugar Monkey were brave enough to touch it, all day long Sugar Monkey walked around telling random strangers "I poked an eel" that kid, I'm telling you. On the drive home he told me he's going to start his 5-Phase Plan for World Domination while I'm in Portland, but assured me he'll still be in southern Oregon when I get home, although eventually his headquarters will be in Asia. What does a mom say to that?

LOVE your pay it forward approach!
Sounds like a lovely day indeed - where on the coast did you go? I really hope we find time to make at least one trip to the coast while I am out there helping my mom/sister move next month - would be such a shame to be *that* close to the coast and not get to go, but it is a working "vacation" so we'll see. I think the being able to just "run to the coast" at will is one of the things I miss most being landlocked out here where we landed.
LOVE your pay it forward approach!
Sounds like a lovely day indeed - where on the coast did you go? I really hope we find time to make at least one trip to the coast while I am out there helping my mom/sister move next month - would be such a shame to be *that* close to the coast and not get to go, but it is a working "vacation" so we'll see. I think the being able to just "run to the coast" at will is one of the things I miss most being landlocked out here where we landed.
We went to Brookings. It's about a 2 hour drive for us, a little longer today cause Big Boy was driving on his learner's permit and he's slower in the mountains.

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