My leukemia's back.

Jeez Phil! That's scary. Her managers and/or human resources department have a legal responsibility to try to get her medical attention. Pretty sure there is a time frame which she needs to get medical assessment.

I know being a caretaker that sometimes we don't have time or money to seek medical attention ourselves, but she needs to be her own advocate. Praying for you guys. If anything changes with her, get her to the ER. I feel so bad that her coworkers were so unrespondant. That is nuts.

Been doing good here......well, ok I mean. Took 2 vacation days Monday & tuesday. Got cat spayed. She is doing wonderful. They gave her a tattoo on her belly to show she is spayed. Wild cat with tattoos! Going to get her sunglasses and a leather jacket.

Both vacation days I'd been fighting off allergies, or a cold- I thought. I woke up Wednesday & felt like an elephant was on my chest. Coughing worse. Had to go to work. I was scheduled for all day training at another branch. Kept popping cough drops all day, but made it thru the day:D. Thursday, went to work, kept coughing, boss sent me home. I have plenty of sick time since I have never called out sick & I've worked at the bank a little over a year. Anywho, called out Friday to get some more rest. Cough has turned productive....which is good:D. Hoping to be lots better by tomorrow. About 15-20 people will be here to celebrate Easter:D. Today, is all about hot tea, chicken noodle soup, gargling salt water, netti pot, and of course rest. The elephant is not on my chest and not coughing as much. All is getting better:)

Everyone have a good day!
Outpost...thanks for you concern....she did get checked out on the ambulance....then refused treatment.
She works at a party human resources dept.....she works for people went know all their lives.....The owner Jason I watched grow up....he hung out here with my kids...I was his little league coach...he is my fishing partner...his wife Jess...I was in the Air Force with her dad...I was there when she was born.
So I'm not gonna threaten them and they are totally new to being business owners....this is the kind of one horse town I live in.
My wife is the one taking responsibility for her health...she has woken up to the seriousness of her problem though and I did make her get an appointment this week.
My son who is a Hospital Director didn't even force her to I'm pretty much powerless.
But at least she goes this week to the Drs.....
She just loved it Eggsy! At first Katie took Kenny and Jenny back and gave them the grand tour, showing them all around and explaining everything. I think some of it they could have figured out on their own (Katie: "This is our new white bed with pink covers." Um, really?) but she was having a good time so they just went with it. Then Grampa bought Kendra in. Oh, her grin!! I know she doesn't understand the concept of "makeover" but she certainly could see that it was bright and cheery in there. She plopped into the big pink chair, then squirmed down and scooted over to the bed. She climbed up into that lower bunk like an old pro, just grinning up at everyone. It was great!!
She just loved it Eggsy! At first Katie took Kenny and Jenny back and gave them the grand tour, showing them all around and explaining everything. I think some of it they could have figured out on their own (Katie: "This is our new white bed with pink covers." Um, really?) but she was having a good time so they just went with it. Then Grampa bought Kendra in. Oh, her grin!! I know she doesn't understand the concept of "makeover" but she certainly could see that it was bright and cheery in there. She plopped into the big pink chair, then squirmed down and scooted over to the bed. She climbed up into that lower bunk like an old pro, just grinning up at everyone. It was great!!
Sounds wonderful! Just priceless.
big_smile.png's the wife today?

JWB--these respiratory things are horrible! I've been feeling kind of like I'm coming down with something. Tempted to bump the prednisone back up but I'm going to ride it out for a few days and see how things go.

Our male cat come home one time with a clipped ear and a shaved nether region, missing some apparently not so vital parts....guess he wandered too far one time

Blooie, I have a nephew who is pretty severely autistic. When he was younger, my sister was told he was also retarded and would never progress beyond the level of an 18 month old. My mom said "Well, we'll just see about that...." sure enough, he's not tarded, he could definitely learn things. Yeah, still very autistic, but that's a whole different way of functioning. Anyway....I've been in houses where, in that kitchen scenario, the kiddos sit at the table and repeat "I need a spoon"..over and over and over until the parent gets them a spoon. Myself, I would have been screaming at the darn kid to get up and get their own blasted spoon or they'd be drinking that ice cream.....guess Kendra would fit in well at my house, right? Self serve or starve
. Glad everyone made it home safe and the makeover went over well. Sounds like the pink was a hit!

hb, how are things going? I've got the hatcher getting up to temp/humidity. I'll pull the chicken eggs to it tonight
Wife is better today Rachel....had some serious talk with the wife today....she understands now how selfish her behavior was....her check up is Wednesday.
Speaking of spoiled kids I'm sitting here watching my kid let his kids run his life....I'm ****** cuz I can't even watch my own TV or anything else because my granddaughter doesn't want kids didn't get to do that....yeah I'll be so relieved tomorrow when I have my house back....also I'm in day seven and the few eggs I have candled look real good.

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