my very own micro farm

Soooo...Burger (or Burglar) is a cross between a chicken and a Kelso. Are they different yet similar species, or a different classification? I'm sorry, but this is blowing my mind a little. (Looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck. Maybe I need to go to bed. Anyway, the pictures of the Kelsos are beautiful! I can't wait for you to post more.

Here he is. They are still chickens. Just different bloodlines then common hatchery stock. Im still learning myself. The lady has been looking a lot of stuff up. With our new acquisition.

Here's what i got done yesterday.

not really a lot to go. At least in my head anyways. Lol should be a full days work with lots of stoppage time. But I should get it do today.


And heres the sweds. Following suit with the rest and being in the water at the crack of dawn. Seriously ducks are crazy who swims when things get frosty. No one but freakin ducks that's who. Anyways time to get a move on. Onward and upward.
Project update.

Getting there. Few more pieces of siding then some doors and wire. Its nice watching the sun rise again. Was kinda slacking on getting up early for a bit. And its still a little chilly but I can't complain. Not dealing with feet of snow like some people:). Off to it then.





We'll here's what I got done before work today. Wired the bottom and filled it in with a layer of dirt followed by a bag of shavings. I did this now so it will all pack down as I continue work, planning on another bag or so later. Sides and front(not counting door) are also finished and the back is getting close. I'm gonna put a nesting box in the nook in the corner there than finish the wire up . Door in the back for cleaning access and a good size port for the kelsos to get in along with a ramp. Its a couple feet up but they like it high. The have been named by the way. Apollo and Athena are in the same pen and madusa patiently waits in the other. Seems fitting all around.
Looks like I'll be keeping around 10 of the austrolorps. My boss is taking 3 of the 13 and I'm not sure at this point whether my other coworker will be able to take any. I was expecting to take all 17 with things in place so this all works out. Gonna be interesting to actually catalog new birds to share with 1st graders. Gotta figure out a routine for it for sure.
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great job...keep up the good so you know i have been on a strike for hope i can get in the spirit to build again...soon
Birdman you have way too many toys inside and it is away to cold outside for you to be out in that madness. Don't remember the last time I had two feet of snow off the step of my porch.

About finished. This weekend for sure. Outsides about done and nesting boxes are attached. Finish up the coop and some detail work here and there. Plus the door still. And call it a day. Lol. Glad I only have lid and screen left on the other and a wee bit if pictures today. Was almost late for work. I'll get a few of the progress in the morning before I start on it.

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