My wonderful flock. Post pictures of your birds!

I've never heard of a "frizzle", is it a specific breed or a genetic mutation, kinda like curly horses? Either way it sounds cute. Reminds me of Miss Frizzle from the Magic School Bus <3

Olaf My black cochin bantam rooster....4 months old

Cristof Japanese bantam..4 months old

My Ladies....Elsa, Anna and Sven. granddaughter named all of them after Frozen

Elsa, she is a white cochin bantam...4 months old

I love my chicks
Do you own any frizzles?

No. I ordered these eggs from ebay. The Seramas that were shown did not look frizzle. This was the only one that hatched of 7. I bought 3 more Seramas this week so my little chick would not be so lonely. Oh well. This is the sweetest little bird. Cries until I let it out then follows me around until I pick it up.

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