New goats and pen


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 31, 2012
We got two 4 year old Pygmy Goats! They have stayed in a tiny pen all their lives at their former owners! We built them a huge pen and we put them in it and they have done nothing but run around the edge of it and stopping to eat every now and then! Are they happy or stressed?
Probably a little of both. They are most likely investigating all the new space and they will be a bit stressed over the move to a new home. They will settle in after a few days when they get used to everything and their new owners.
My advice if you are new to goat keeping is check the fences every day. They are amazing escape artists. We had a break out of two pygmy goats today. I was the only one at home, and I couldn't shepherd them back into their field, much less repair the fence. I ended up putting horses lead ropes on them and bringing them into the conservatory! Spent all day keeping them from eating things they shouldn't and sweeping and washing the floor, which luckily is tiled. I swear on the only day you don't check it they will get out.
I am new to this. The guy I bought them from seem to think they were 2 and 3 years old. I really think they are older. They seem to like it and have not gotten out yet. I think they are just happy to be able to run without running into something! Thanks for the info!
You can tell the age by their teeth if you're curious
Also, I would recommend training them to come when called. All you need is some treats and/or grain and some time spent. Same as training a dog, really.
Thanks! I was asking a lady at a petting zoo about their teeth and age and she thought I was crazy! Old or not we love watching them! They don't climb or act crazy....they do see us looking at them from the back porch and start making noises at us so maybe they do like us! LoL
I so hope I'm not breaking forum rules and please forgive me and delete this if I am but if you want a forum that is as helpful as BYC is but for goats, go check out 'The Goat Spot'

It is fantastically informative, full of help, hints, ideas and fellow 'goaties' and has been invaluable to me since I got my two pygmy boys....has even saved the life of one of them with information I could get nowhere else, not even my vet!!

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