New York mini chickenstock 2016

I had 3 of mine hatch but I set 5. I think the lavender gene makes them harder to hatch, but I'm not sure. So my AB chicks are different colors, one black and white and dark grey and light grey. One has feathered legs!
You made out better then I did. I had 5 make it to lockdown. Yesterday was day 30... 1 had a pip the others nothing so I water checked them and nothing was moving. I cracked them open and fully developed and nothing. There was one egg that I thought had moved, but it might have been wishful thinking. I will check it again to night and crack it open to see. So looks like none of them hatched. They were looking good up till lockdown. Not sure where things went wrong. I did everything the same as other hatches so not sure if it was the weather or what, but no silkies for me :hit

Any luck with the duck eggs? I know they have a little more time left..

That's too bad :( All my cemanis that didn't hatch were late quitters too, not sure what happened. One little silkie hatched with splayed leg but I have it all trussed up with vet wrap so hopefully that'll be fixed by tonight when I remove it.

Ducks are coming along! I put most of them under Lacie and all those eggs disappeared. I'm not sure if she knew they weren't hers and kicked them out or what. But the ones under the broodies are doing well. Haven't decided yet if I want to take them and finish them myself or let a hen hatch them - I'm thinking I'm going to take them because all the hens also have chicken eggs under them and I'm not sure when they're due.
I had 3 of mine hatch but I set 5. I think the lavender gene makes them harder to hatch, but I'm not sure. So my AB chicks are different colors, one black and white and dark grey and light grey. One has feathered legs!

@Metella is the expert but I don't think the one with feathered legs is an AB - they have clean legs I believe. But she'll be able to tell you :) Did you get any marans eggs from her? Those have feathered legs. Or maybe you got a cross that will be a nice olive egger.
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It hatched out of an egg that looked exactly like the ABs so maybe an Olive egger is my guess

I bet the eggs will be gorgeous :)

Do the lavender silkies usually hatch out with a bit of red coloring in their down? I'll have to post pictures of them, they are so cute. One hatched with a vaulted skull. I think I'll be keeping all of them, hoping for a good rooster to hen ratio. Might get some nice black silkies to cross them to, just a few. I've already named the splayed leg one Mint after the color of her vet wrap :p
I had one hatch with splayed leg too, maybe the sitting in the heat had something to do with it. Well I have a hen that looks more porcelain and I'm thinking the coloring of that chick may end up being like her and not full lavender. It wasn't until I posted a pic of her on here that someone suggested she could be porcelain rather than full lavender. I haven't had this silkie group for long.
I had one hatch with splayed leg too, maybe the sitting in the heat had something to do with it. Well I have a hen that looks more porcelain and I'm thinking the coloring of that chick may end up being like her and not full lavender. It wasn't until I posted a pic of her on here that someone suggested she could be porcelain rather than full lavender. I haven't had this silkie group for long.

I'll post pictures of them and you can give me your opinion :) At least two of them have the reddish cast to their down, Mint being one of them.
Hi All !

Thanks Pyxis for quoting me so I knew to drop by I haven't really since the wonderful day ....

the AB's will look kinda silver tinged with an under coating of darker fluff -both white and grey (lavendar) splashes - and there is a possibility of black in this breed too ... but all legs should be clean .... Are you sure it was my AB egg ? If so it must have been gathered that very morning I left (that is when I left them out of the breeder pen where they were for over 2 months solid. I don't think I gathered eggs that morning before I left - but Trouble the Marans - is white so any of the eggs from him would have feathered legs ... and yes - oliver eggers .... Like I said - I don't even think I gathered that morning - but can a roo even be the daddy that quick ? Like a few hours ? This I don't know.

Keep me posted ! and if you send pics of all the chicks I can pick out an AB as soon as they are dried off :) Well - all but a black one - they kinda look like any other black one.
Hi All !  

Thanks Pyxis for quoting me so I knew to drop by  I haven't really since the wonderful day ....

the AB's will look kinda silver tinged with an under coating of darker fluff -both white and grey (lavendar) splashes - and there is a possibility of black in this breed too ... but all legs should be clean .... Are you sure it was my AB egg ?  If so it must have been gathered that very morning I left  (that is when I left them out of the breeder pen where they were for over 2 months solid.    I don't think I gathered eggs that morning before I left - but Trouble the Marans - is white so any of the eggs from him would have feathered legs ...  and yes - oliver eggers ....  Like I said - I don't even think I gathered that morning - but can a roo even be the daddy that quick ?   Like a few hours ?  This I don't know. 

Keep me posted !    and if you send pics of all the chicks I can pick out an AB as soon as they are dried off    :)     Well - all but a black one - they kinda look like any other black one.

Yes definitely AB egg. All that were due to hatch were those eggs and some silkie eggs. This little chick is very unique looking :)

OH ! Trouble (White Marans) has to be the daddy on this one ! Can that happen in a few hours? I thought fertilization happened the day before when the egg was moving down the hen .....No question of the pen being secure - you saw the pics of the egglu and run .... no one got in or out in over 2 months ....

So - I'll owe you some pure AB eggs next year ! But man - if this turns into a hen for you - you should have what they call emerald eggs - so a pretty vibrant green color - and big - and lots ! Since the AB is a production layer .....

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