NinjaRooster's extremely talkative chat thread.

Quote: Lol, this prolly goes against BYC's rules. Anyways, it was a challenge, since AVC is so sour when straight, me and my friends dared. Bahaha, I won. At a price. Stomacheaches.. >.< And, the "drunkness" was not really being drunk. xD It was in the slight, but for the most part it was drunken-like behavior induced by stomaches and the shock that I drank 22 shots of it. Lol!
I drew myself listening to ma fave musics...

xD Derpy lil' Cosmo...
Lol, this prolly goes against BYC's rules. Anyways, it was a challenge, since AVC is so sour when straight, me and my friends dared. Bahaha, I won. At a price. Stomacheaches.. >.< And, the "drunkness" was not really being drunk. xD It was in the slight, but for the most part it was drunken-like behavior induced by stomaches and the shock that I drank 22 shots of it. Lol!
Full one ounce shots?!

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