NinjaRooster's extremely talkative chat thread.

I have no clue how I just did it. But I'm never trying that again.
How's the after taste?
wait... logically speaking, based on what you said you don't like movie. Actors are doing just that: pretending to be someone else most commonly created by a fiction writer. and that brings us to fiction. that's what the writers do. they kinda pretend they're someone else for a while, they put themselves in the shoes of a great war hero, or the starter of a revolution, or a highschooler going through a tough time. but no matter what the story is, all fiction is fake, but in the end, the writer loves what their doing, and every reader has the chance to go through the adventure too..

What do movie have to do wif Rp? Logically speaking, of course.

I succinctly said I believe that RPing, practically living a fantastical alternate life on a forum - is not for me. I am in no way attacking your wish or anyone else's (simply answering), but for me I view it as unhealthy.

I see your point with acting, but that is not necessarily escaping into your bedroom for hours at a time to pretend to be a character on the internet, it is interacting with people, practicing lines, enunciation, and essentially doing a paying job which can stem from a lifelong appreciation of drama.
Writing is similar to RPing as far as writing down thoughts, aspirations, and feelings of another character; but if you're seriously taking time to do that for your own interest and gain on the internet...writing a story for others to enjoy is much more profitable.

Personally, I spend hours writing. It is an emotional release for my personality. Rping, which involves other people, is not the same as writing on your own a story for people to enjoy. If you're going to argue that RPing is a story - it's only a story for the people involved. Not like someone is going to browse the forums for Rp's to read for fun. I've looked at RP's and there is not even proper grammar employed - or spelling for that matter. Definitely not something I would read for fun.

That should answer all your question or pondering on my fascinating dislike to RPing. Have a nice day!
My mom just freaking lovesssss to punish me for just about, oh, let's see, EVERYTHING, even if I haven't actually done anyting but have ben lied about instead. And the person who is telling those lies NEVER gets in any trouble!

So I am just saying this now so that everyone here knows I'm not in the wrong as you may have thought--
I spent my entire DAY going against my life pleasures so I can freaking help her, I have cooked, cleaned, babysat, haven't been mean ONE FREAKING TIME, and the thanks I get is strict yelling-at because of a sibling's goshdang lie!

She wants to make me up to be the villain, I will be her goshdang villain. And don't go and tell me this isn't the way to make things right; I don't want things right. I want my goshdang revenge!
Quote: I agree with you completely...... almost.

I used to enjoy RPing here on BYC, mainly because it was a way to socialize with fellow chicken keepers. I enjoy writing, but majorly lack creativity. Don't ask me why.. I just can never think of what to write, of if I do happen to get a good fiction piece going, I lack the creativeness to bring interesting plots into action.

When I first started to RP (I look back on it now and blush) I was horrid. My grammar and spelling were alright, but as the months went on I have to say I improved tremendously.

I think if people Role Play it should be a side-bar to their life; something they enjoy, but not their whole life. It should also be somewhat educational, and be used to practice grammar and spelling- I think. It becomes very tiring to RP with someone who has no care for grammar or punctuation, for it makes the writing hard to understand.

That's my view on RolePlaying.
Just mine. I'm only sharing.
What do movie have to do wif Rp? Logically speaking, of course.

I succinctly said I believe that RPing, practically living a fantastical alternate life on a forum - is not for me. I am in no way attacking your wish or anyone else's (simply answering), but for me I view it as unhealthy.

I see your point with acting, but that is not necessarily escaping into your bedroom for hours at a time to pretend to be a character on the internet, it is interacting with people, practicing lines, enunciation, and essentially doing a paying job which can stem from a lifelong appreciation of drama.
Writing is similar to RPing as far as writing down thoughts, aspirations, and feelings of another character; but if you're seriously taking time to do that for your own interest and gain on the internet...writing a story for others to enjoy is much more profitable.

Personally, I spend hours writing. It is an emotional release for my personality. Rping, which involves other people, is not the same as writing on your own a story for people to enjoy. If you're going to argue that RPing is a story - it's only a story for the people involved. Not like someone is going to browse the forums for Rp's to read for fun. I've looked at RP's and there is not even proper grammar employed - or spelling for that matter. Definitely not something I would read for fun.

That should answer all your question or pondering on my fascinating dislike to RPing. Have a nice day!

I agree with you and disagree. No RP isn't like writing a book, but it does help with writing skills and story telling, and like silkies said putting plots into action. and as becoming that character, I don't pretend to be my characters, I just put my self in their shoes and write what I think they would do.

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