Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or A Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 4



I'm unsure of these two also...

Two pullets

We think these are between 4-5 weeks old. We have ideas on gender, but have no experience! :)

Buff Orpington:

Easter Egger:

Olive Egger:

We think these are between 4-5 weeks old. We have ideas on gender, but have no experience! :) Buff Orpington: Easter Egger: Olive Egger: Thanks!!
There still quite a young age, as you can see on the buff Orpington it has a pale comb and no visible wattle but then it's stance and tail feathers make me lean towards a rooster. The olive egger is looking like a rooster to me as well but some may say different. And the other Easter egger I can't get a clear zoomed in picture of that sorry but I'm thinking a pullet.

I've got one response for cockerel and one for pullet. Any advice on how to narrow it down? The behavior is the main thing that made me think it might be a cockerel. Very jumpy, flighty, often jumps on top of my other EE pullet, and generally seems more high energy and aggravated. Then I started looking at other posts on Barred Rock sexing. Should I just wait and see another week or so?

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