November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

This is a bit off topic...
Hey DeannaA what is your profile picture? It has been buging me.
It is Max, my turkey, when he was little in his jammies. To keep the poop out of the bed. He wouldn't sleep alone. I kept waking up to him snuggling under my arm or neck or under the covers. I gave in and put a sock on him.
Six weeks tomorrow and all 8 growing well. Moved them out side this week and they are settling in after a bit of prompting to go to bed. Another 7 due to hatch tomorrow in a bit of an experiment. Bought and australorp cros and a barvelder cross at the market and they were laying when we got home so since they were from a flock wth roosters collected the eggs for a week and set them, 3 under a broody and 4 in the incubator. All fertile and as at day 18 appeared viable. Day 21 tomorrow. Have to see how we go.
Six weeks tomorrow and all 8 growing well. Moved them out side this week and they are settling in after a bit of prompting to go to bed. Another 7 due to hatch tomorrow in a bit of an experiment. Bought and australorp cros and a barvelder cross at the market and they were laying when we got home so since they were from a flock wth roosters collected the eggs for a week and set them, 3 under a broody and 4 in the incubator. All fertile and as at day 18 appeared viable. Day 21 tomorrow. Have to see how we go.
Six weeks tomorrow and all 8 growing well. Moved them out side this week and they are settling in after a bit of prompting to go to bed. Another 7 due to hatch tomorrow in a bit of an experiment. Bought and australorp cros and a barvelder cross at the market and they were laying when we got home so since they were from a flock wth roosters collected the eggs for a week and set them, 3 under a broody and 4 in the incubator. All fertile and as at day 18 appeared viable. Day 21 tomorrow. Have to see how we go.
come on over to the Jan/feb hatch a long

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