Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

I remember that! Lol

So I'm waiting with my daughter for the school bus, I ask her what she wants for Christmas...I almost died. She musta picked it up in school but the timing (i had just been ready here lol)

You know someone might of made this ad for a little child there is no number on the ad .... also My dad pulled a trick like this once with me when he brought me a porcupine egg to hatch . grins i wonder if this is someone that remembers that . 
Yard Art; Metal sculptures - $995 (Grant Pass)

This huge rooster, over 6 ft tall, attracts tons of attention . Only $995.00

See at Dan'l Boone's Trading Post, 470 Redwood Hy, G.P.; - 541 474 2992

Hours: 10AM till 5PM - Thanks for looking

This sculpture is just a mile or so from my house. It's cheesy but I kinda want it!

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