Olandsk Dwarf Chickens

I like rare breeds too and buy from sellers who are perfecting/preserving a rare breed from extinction. I like a lot of breeds for many reasons but if I were zoned to breed, I would definitely pick one or two rare breeds to keep them from extinction.

I also looked into rare Barred Hollands laying white eggs but couldn't find any. I know I spoke w/ someone who had them but can't remember it was too long ago. I think Barred Rocks took over popularity from Hollands. I personally prefer the lighter-weight friendlier Dominique but they are on the road to recovery and not as rare as they were in the '70's.

Guilderlands or Guilders or "BREDA" as they are called today were a distinctive backyard flock like Dominiques in early America but they never made it into the APA because of the confusion of being called by so many names and went extinct here. The Netherlands picked up on saving the Breda and now there's a gradual USA customer interest because of being a family-friendly docile good layer breed. I hope this once-American breed will have a chance at gaining some popularity because even though it is a lightweight breed it is a very good layer of MED-LG eggs and has a family-friendly non-combative temperament and comes in a variety of colors. This rarer breed also needs more breeder flocks for diversity and hardiness to get APA recognition at some point and get its status back into the USA where it belonged in the first place.

CUCKOO BREDA w/docile Silkies

BLUE BREDA - Breda have NO comb but a triangle crest, cavernous raven nostrils, vulture hocks, long feathered legs/toes

As for getting eggs on eBay -- If you know the breeder who's selling, it should be okay but know who it is and ask around as some customers of some eBay orders haven't had luck. If there's an Olandsk Dwarf Facebook page that possibly will be a good source to pursue. As rare as Breda are I think the ODs are rarer simply because a lot of people don't want to deal with broody bantams or small eggs so there's not much call for customer sales of these sweet little birds so they don't get bred and remain rare. Personally I think small breeds like Phoenix or Sumatra are useless for eggs too but people get them because of their exotic beauty to have eye candy in the yard. Pyncheons are another rare and pretty bantam breed that faces a shaky future -- an American breed that hasn't made it into the ABA yet as far as I can see and there are very few breeding flocks getting perfected.

I wish you luck on what breed you will pursue as there are so many USA birds and rare world breeds that need diverse breeding flocks to ensure the birds will be around for future generations. I would love to have your ability in pursuing and saving a rare breed -- and the fun of researching exactly which breed it will be!
I have found some resources for Barred Hollands but the problem is that nobody wants/is able to share their lines.
I have found some resources for Barred Hollands but the problem is that nobody wants/is able to share their lines.

That was my problem too a couple years ago. One breeder discontinued his flock -- said they had health issues like BH's sitting on their haunches? Whatever that means. But with all rare breeds it takes several generations and good in-line breeding program/records and knowing what one is doing to enhance/ develop the hardiness of a breed. The breed development is interesting with BH's -- Barred Rock, Leghorns, and Lamona. Since Lamona is pretty much extinct the BH's can't even be re-engineered any more. Sad.
what a shame it's like the saying, 'you never know the worth of water till the well runs dry.'

Yep, that's why I appreciate the owners that take on breeding rare poultry to keep them from extinction. Our property is too small and wouldn't meet ordinance requirements for proper breeding pens. Plus, we're zoned for only 5 hens/no roos - hard to breed w/o a roo!
My 4 girls at 5 months old. The rooster has started to TRY to mount a few of the girls so I can expect eggs in February! So excited! Hoping one will go broody because I am awful at incubating! Aren't they gorgeous?
















My 4 girls at 5 months old. The rooster has started to TRY to mount a few of the girls so I can expect eggs in February! So excited! Hoping one will go broody because I am awful at incubating! Aren't they gorgeous?

Beautiful photos like these are what gets the word out about beautiful birds like these!
Thanks! Everyone needs to have a few of these old souls!

I wish you luck with your breeding program. Just never know when a broody decides to set. What are your thoughts about using pullet eggs to hatch vs adult eggs? Seems like most other chicken breeds wait until the pullets lay larger eggs as hens before hatching them to get larger hardier chicks.
I will wait until they've laid for 3 months before I would try to hatch some.
And the weather would also be nicer for them to run around.
Of course, if she wants to be a mama, I'll give her some of my LF eggs to hatch :) first!

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