Packing Peanuts! *pic*


In the Brooder
12 Years
Dec 29, 2007
Colbert, GA
I know they'll probably be dinner, but I'm curious if anyone might be able to tell me what breed these little 'peanuts' might be:





They're about the same size as the spotted puffballs I assume are the EE's, and slightly smaller than the Buff Orpingtons.

I ordered fourteen, and got 7 that are obviously buff, seven that are spotted, and four that all look alike and I assume are all the peanuts:


The wee black ones are bold, too...two of them have pecked at me, while the little fluffy buff ones are (so far) just as gentle as dust bunnies.
Yep, could be either, but it's a boy, nonetheless. I don't have Black Sexlinks, but I don't remember them having white wing tips in the boys or girls. If they dont, then those are BR boys, some of my favorites.
Almost a shame they're boys; I wouldn't mind either of those breeds. I really love the look of the Barred Rocks...

Would a roo of either of those be worth keeping around for chicks? Would they cross well with Easter Eggers or Buff Orps?
Do they make sweet tempered roos, in general? I can keep one roo, but I'd rather have a gentle guy, since I have small children running around. Not that they'll be allowed unsupervised access to the chicken run, but just in case...

Now I'm kind of looking forward to seeing how Peanuts I-IV turn out.

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