Peacock not eating

Diane H

May 15, 2020
So we picked up a five year old peacock from a friend and brought him home. He is in his own pen with other fowl for company walking around and things he’s aware of them and they interact to some degree. But he’s not eating very much. He’s displaying, he’s calling. But he’s really not eating. I have slowly transitioned him from his previous diet
( mostly corn) to all-Flock pellets with added protein from dried meal worms and Soldier worms.

I’m concerned he’s going to starve to death!
New birds do that in a new environment.
Just keep offering his food. My peafowl really don't eat very much, so maybe he is nibbling it.
Try putting the corn he's used to on top of your feed.
I’m offering corn and scratch. Plus the Golden Hen Nuggets his previous owner was feeding.
He’s my first peacock so I’m worried about getting it right.

We’ve had him almost 2 weeks.
I know it’s still early days. But I also know how birds can hide symptoms of being unwell.
You are welcome and you are correct, they are very good at hiding illness until they are really sick. This is why it is important that people take the time to sit and observe the birds when you are feeding. Knowing your birds you will become attuned to the small things that can tell you when they are just 'off' and you can be proactive.
Ditch the corn and scratch they're not very nutritious and cracked corn can cause impacted crop. I feed gamebird grower pellets (24% protein) mixed with black oil sunflower seeds, large breed puppy kibble, koi food, Farmer's Helper Ultrakibble, and whatever veggie and fruit scraps come out of the kitchen. It's not cheap but I want my birds to look their best and a varied diet of nutritious foods helps with that.
So we picked up a five year old peacock from a friend and brought him home. He is in his own pen with other fowl for company walking around and things he’s aware of them and they interact to some degree. But he’s not eating very much. He’s displaying, he’s calling. But he’s really not eating. I have slowly transitioned him from his previous diet
( mostly corn) to all-Flock pellets with added protein from dried meal worms and Soldier worms.

I’m concerned he’s going to starve to death!
My peacock (do not know his age and think he could be fairly young) hardly eats; he used to eat a few things in the grass, and lately I have not seen him eating. When I coax them into their pen at night, he does not come in until the last minute; in the meantime the peahen and the co-habiting ducks have already eaten. He just does not seem bothered?

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