Pekin Duck Club!

Sexing ducks:

The earliest indication of a female duck is the loud quack. A drake's quack will remain low and raspy. My females literally sound like they are laughing at me. The drakes are much quieter. I'll try to get a video later and post it.

The drakes will develop a "drake curl" as they get older. Mine didn't get theirs until 16-17 weeks old.

In this photo, you can see the curl on the duck on the right.

Also, the drakes seem to have a thicker head and neck. Or at least mine do.

Hope that helps.

When I bought these adorable little ones I was told they were all females. Tbey are about 13 weeks old and only one is a "quacker" extremely loud quacker. I am nervous that I may only female and 2 drakes because of the lack of quacking and when quackers was in the pool one of the other ones jumped on her and at one point I thought she was gonna be drowned. I don't see any drake feathers but does someone want to take a look and give me an opinion.....

When I bought these adorable little ones I was told they were all females. Tbey are about 13 weeks old and only one is a "quacker" extremely loud quacker. I am nervous that I may only female and 2 drakes because of the lack of quacking and when quackers was in the pool one of the other ones jumped on her and at one point I thought she was gonna be drowned. I don't see any drake feathers but does someone want to take a look and give me an opinion.....
According to the voice, I'm afraid that that may be the case. :( I have two females in my flock but one of them chases a mix that hangs around. She scares him away a lot.
I've been reading the post and I'm glad I did, (had to catch up on the news)
anyway, my pins were born before easter and I know there drakes cuz they can't qwack. But there tail hasn't curled yet. The girl mentioned hers where 17wks approx. before the curl. That ansered my ?
Still not happy there not girls! :( but so be it.
My female started honking at about 6 weeks (they are almost 9 weeks now) and my male is much quieter. He is also more timid than she is and physically smaller (he always has been since we got them at a day old.) My female is in front with the pinker beak. Would you say his tail feathers curl?


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