People crazier then us...


12 Years
Mar 9, 2007
Davison, MI.
Last night I got some time to watch the telly. PBS had a show on about people who grow pumpkins. Not just your everyday pumpkins either but HUGE ones!!! It was called "Lords Of The Gourds". These people all had innocent enough reasons why they started into pumpkins- fun with kids, cool looking plant in garden, etc etc... .
Then they became obsessed about growing pumpkins!! HA it started to sound like chicken people!! They talked about the diseases, damage from predators, genetic varieties, and bad people. One guy had a huge watering system and weather monitors (including solar radiation) to see if he could determine what influenced the pumpkins to grow so huge ( one was 1245 lbs).
But what almost made me fall of the couch laughing was when they talk about getting on the internet in "pumpkin sites" to discuss with like minded people the problems/success/etc.. they were having!!!!

Soooo... I was wondering... what are other crazies obsessed about??? Anybody got an Uncle you won't claim in public because he will expound about the beauty of an engored tick??? A distant relative who was dissected by aliens but lived to tell about it???
Hey, I grew pumpkins this year, or rather they grew themselves. Volunteered right in my flower bed. They were beautiful so I didn't pull them. I've got 3 pumpkins sitting on my front porch right now! Had no idea they would volunteer and make a decent fruit like that.


I think just about everyone is fanatic about something. Be it cleaning toilets or watching birds. It's great to be obsessed!

my MIL is obsessed with shampooing her carpet.
yesterday I told my daugther I wanted the APA book of standards for my birthday so I could breed better chickens.. and she made a face and looked at me and said "Mom its your b-day get something for you not the chickens everything you get is for the chickens" and I went on to explain it was for me.. she just rolled her eyes and said "your obsessed". If I am obsessed.. I think I like it..
Bring that toilet cleaning person to MY house - I need more spare time to play with chickens!

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