Pigeon Talk

For how many years do pigeons typically reproduce? At what age do they start to slow down and no long lay? Or can they reproduce until they die?
I'm not sure how long. I know online I have seen 7 + year old hens still in the breeding loft. I'm sure there is quite a bit of individual variation.


This might help too...
noted the comparison to human reproduction is a bit weird.:rolleyes:
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For how many years do pigeons typically reproduce?
This is not a personal experience. I have heard by another fancier that he had a pigeon hen still breeding at 11+- years of age. Then again I had pigeons die because they became egg bound at 4+- years of age. There are too many variables to give a more concrete figure in my estimation.
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I've been so preoccupied with my duck hen hatching for the last couple of days, I totally forgot that Duff's babies are due today! Maybe even yesterday?? I had the 16th in mind for some reason, but just checked my records. I'll have to look under her this evening. :he

My duck did great though, 10 little ducklings. :)

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