Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

Can't sleep! Too much noise from a loud mouth White Orpington! Its a bit lonely in the brooder tote. Its friends are still trying to escape their shells over in the incubator. Not sure how Jahdan (11) can sleep with this chick screaming! I moved into the living room and can still hear it. Jahdan and I share a room with the incubator and brooder tote. These chicks are headed to the farm as soon as I get the electric outlet installed on the meterbox!

The peace will be short lived. In about 10 days another batch of White and BBS Orpingtons start hatching. Along with some BBS Orp Bantams and a few Buff Wyandotte Bantams. There are also some of the Arkansas Blue egg layers to hatch next week.
Been away for the holidays and had some catching up to do on this thread! Johnn I'm sorry to hear about your troubles with the stoat, but glad to hear that no one's perished yet. Sadly I'm down to just one Orpington again. I had a raccoon break into the tractor and kill my big blue broody Gloria and three of her five chicks (two of them orps). I've named the remaining chick Mallory and she's unfortunately currently residing in the brooder on my back porch because the rest of the chickens tried to scalp her! Doofy bird keeps roosting on her water bowl even after I put a higher roost option in with her.
Here's my gorgeous ROO!! You can see some baby chicks in the background as well! :) My Hen died only weeks after I got her though :-(


Sterling my Lavender Orpington Rooster (cockrel).
.Hes 20 weeks old. How is he looking.? Can anyone tell? Dont have his linage on hand.See any glaring faults.? I hatched him from a shipped egg so feel likes hes my creation...LOL
Oh and he nearly 2 ft tall..This run is 2 ft tall.
.Hes what i thought was my only roo until the other day and found one "hen" is actually a slow to mature cockrel too... But not near as nice yet as Sterling.Also have some LOs in the bator from HinkJC.
Trying to upgrade this flock

Sterling Crowing
Sorry i cant let him out for a better pic.
Hawks...and He runs as fast as the Road Runner.
Thanks to anyone who can take the time to add a comment.
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HI again
Here is my other good roo my black part english Orp cockrel Midnight.Hes 20 weeks old.
Also hatched him from slackwaters eggs.
Can NOT catch the green sheen that the sun puts on him.SOO pretty
He is a bruiser His back is literally about 12 inches across Never knew these roos would get so big!
He is very black black but the sun hitting seems to turn his feathers to grey in pics DARN!! Anyway any comments? Again sorry hrs not loose he cant come out of the run b/c of hawks etc.

Midnight and his curent girls they are also 20 weeks old .YOu can see his sheen slightly here...
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One of my favorite 50% EBO pullets.6 weeks old.

Look out when you open the gate ! Some of the babies I have available. They are from 6-14 weeks old. Some are 100% EBO, and some are 50% EBO and SOP.There are a few missing who went heaven knows where in the orchard.One of their moms in the background staying far away from her hoodlums.

Enlarge these, and look at the combs. I am very pleased with what the Sunshine Girls and Monty produced last fall.

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