Post PICS of your GLORIOUS ROOSTERS here!!! All breeds welcome!

Here's our New Hampshire Red, Henry. henry.jpg
Oh goody!!!! I just

Let's see, I will start with my mother's rooster. I hatched his little mutt rear so I have a special fondness for him. His father was a BSL, mother was an EE. His name is Starla (and he is alright with that!!!


Next is my Bantam EE roo Edward. Such a sweetheart and soooooo pretty.


Here is my BLRW roo, Hansel. He is just a dream rooster. Sweet, good to his girls, very protective, and great with me and the kids. I thought the pic of him shaking was cute.


Last and well....least. My baby La Fleche roo Edgar (Allen Poe). He is such a good boy.


Here is a cruddy cell phone pic of him kissing one of his baby hens, Erzsebet. This pic just melts me!!!

Yes Yes!!! Keep them coming! Oh so many pretty roosters!!

Writerofwords - Popcorn is my favorite, but I have loved reading your stories on other posts about Popcorn AND Nugget! Thanks for sharing!

Luvmychknkids - Hansel is GORGEOUS! His coloring is so awesome!! Mr. Starla (love the name) is also quite stunning!

Chicken Girl - You have quite a big, strong man there! I love, big, burly, manly, fluffy roosters!'

Yaaaaay roosters!!
GCKiddHouse -

What breed is your unruly boy? (sorry, I'm still kind of new to chickens, so if it's obvious, I apologize...) My JB makes me worry a bit already... I picked up one of "his" girls today and she sqwuaked a bit and he got pretty upset with me - got all fluffy and flapped his wings and stared me down, so I kicked my leg toward him and threw a piece of bread at him to let him know I wouldn't tolerate it. So then he got up on a perch in front of me and started crowing over and over at me. When I put "his" girl down, he immediately ran over and tried to mount her. I shooed him away since I've heard you're not supposed to let dominant roosters breed in front of you. I Really want to keep him so I hope he doesn't get mean! I feel your pain...

I love salmon Faverolles! He will be beautiful! You should come back and post here when he is older so we can see!

ChickenLittle32 - Your baby golden campine boy has beautiful colors! I bet he'll be stunning! You should come back here and post more pics as he gets older!

Everybody - MORE MORE!!
He is an Amber Star from what I have gathered. The feed store sold him to me as a Cal. White, which he is not. I just edited my previous post to include his breed and his name as I realized I had forgotten them.

We are not likely to keep the Salmon Faverolle. But we will raise him and see how beautiful he gets. We have 6 or 7 little roos running around. Once they get crowing, I think we will be in a hurry to do something!! We want to keep one of the Golden Cuckoo Marans. I will have to get some video of the little guys sparing and post it.
This is a great post
I just love roosters, the cockier, the better
I never knew the true meaning of the word until I met my first rooster only a couple of years ago. We ended up with him by accident of course =/ But I was so happy that he turned out to be a boy because I never would have known what I was missing. He was the manliest, cockiest rooster we could have ended up with. He was a Brahma/Cochin mix and was the sweetest thing because we had to bring him inside every night so he would not wake up the neighborhood at 6 every morning. He would roost on the chair every night before we would take him up to bed. He would get cheese and oatmeal and any other treats he demanded
You think a crow is loud, try listening to it echoing throughout the house
Unfortanatly, the neighborhood still heard him in there
So, we found him a new (supposedly good) home and he was killed. They claim he was killed by the dog, but I don't believe it. Anyway! His name was Lucifer, because he started out as a Lucy and we thought Lucifer would be the perfect ironic name for him because he was the snuggliest of all the snuggle bugs

Here he is in his pantaloons


My dad wasn't very happy when I put him up there =/


The rooster that we ended up accidently with this time is a Cochin bantam. His name is Little Jerry Seinfeld
He is three months and still fits in the palm of my hand. He is nothing but fluff. I knew from the moment we brought him home at a week old that he was a rooster. He spent the whole ride home squaking at the top of him lungs, while his sister slept in my shirt. He is the sweetest little thing. He snuggles under my shirt and will ride around on my shoulder. My mom brings him to the nursing home to visit and to church to see the kids. But he actually bit me twice the other day!!! It was very gentle, I didn't even feel it. I guess I was annoying him to much, so he was telling me to go away. But he got a spank anway
I hope he doesn't turn into a mean rooster.

Here is the most recent picture of him.









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