Post PICS of your GLORIOUS ROOSTERS here!!! All breeds welcome!

great names! I told my hubby and he laughed. I bet her statsa calling our Roo that!
Never saw one like him before. Outstanding Roo. Thanks for sharing his photo. Wouldn't you know he would be across the Pond
Hey, We are not allowed roosters either in Alameda. But then we ended up with Little Jerry and he is only the size of my hand at about 4 months. He crows very seldom at this point and it is so patetic even the girls are louder than him! Try finding a Serama, I don't think one could have a crow much louder than a squeek

That Rosco. He's a sweet heart. He will let anyone at all pick him up and hug all over him, scratch his comb and all that really good stuff, then he will even sit in your hand or on your shoulder and watch his girls with you.

He has been so great for our hens. When we took the girls in they had come from a really bad situation and were very very nervous of people, but after watching Rosco getting love they are starting to warm up.
This is my new Roo Mr Bluester Bootz,he is a Blue Cochin(standard)and I am so happy to have found him here on BYC...he is not only beautiful( I may be partial he's my baby) but he also has a great temperament.


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Thankyou bamachicken & fishermom.

I'm very proud of him & he'll be a daddy next week if all goes to plan. He's a devil to catch tho.

When the girls have food he makes sure he is always last & is very good with them.

Yes I'm sorry, we're in england!
Otherwise I would be happy to loan him out, he is very active with the ladies!

He has the most wonderful deep crow. He's fairly quiet for a cockerel, max 6 crows a day in the morning.

The blue cochin is lovely looking, nice lacing. Very similar breed to the brahmas with the fluffy trousers.

I wish Addie was a bit more human friendly, like Rosco. He panics when he gets picked up. He doesn't bite or anything tho. Mind I've only had him just over a month & he'll feed from my hand now which is a improvement.

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